Pick Task Decomposition

Pick task decomposition enables picking in multiple larger units than the one used on the order transaction. Before you create or generate a wave, check the Apply Pick Decomposition box to enable it. If you want to automatically check this box for all waves, you can set the Allow Pick Decomposition for Waves preference. To set up units and preferences for pick decomposition, see Setting Up Pick Decomposition or Setting Warehouse Management Preferences.


On the app, this option becomes available for single unreleased orders when you activate the rule, Provide wave status selection for unreleased orders. See Picking Items for Single Orders.

Pick task decomposition applies to inventory items only, including lot and assembly item types only. Kit, serialized, and non-inventory items included in a wave do not get decomposed even with pick decomposition enabled.

Pick decomposition follows the standard inventory tracking using base and stocking units. It does not enable inventory tracking using other or additional units that you may set up for it. For more information about inventory tracking, see Item Settings and Stock Levels for Multi-Locations.

NetSuite WMS applies pick decomposition when it generates pick tasks for a new wave. From the units that you set up, it looks for units larger than the one on order lines included in the wave. It breaks down item quantities per order line based on the conversion rate for any of the applicable units. It creates a pick task only for each unit used in pick decomposition. It does not decompose quantities that cannot be converted into a larger unit. Then, it follows your Picking Type setting to determine whether multiple orders can be combined in a single pick task.

If you enable the Pick Per Quantity setting for the unit, it creates separate pick tasks with one quantity each. For quantities that cannot be picked per quantity, NetSuite WMS applies pick decomposition whenever possible. For more information, see Setting Up Units for Pick Decomposition.

Pick decomposition does not alter the rest of the process flow and conditions for creating waves, pick tasks, and fulfillments. Note the following guidelines:

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