Re-releasing Lines with Backorders
When you commit quantities to a backorder, you can release it in a wave. The newly committed quantities are included in the wave used to release the initial quantities. However, if you have started to pick the items in the existing wave, NetSuite WMS automatically includes them in a new wave.
To re-release lines with backorders:
Using the Warehouse Manager role, go to WMS Outbound > Wave > Create a Wave.
On the Wave Criteria form, apply your search criteria by doing the following:
In the Template field, select the default template or a custom one that contains your predefined filters.
In the Location field, select a warehouse location.
(Optional) In the Transaction field, you can enter the number of the order that contains the newly committed quantities.
If you want to release items from different orders in this wave, do not set this filter.
(Optional) You can add more search criteria using the other filtering fields.
Your search criteria updates do not alter the predefined filters on a template. If you want to edit or create a custom template, see Creating Custom Wave Criteria Templates.
Click Search.
On the Wave page, enter or select values for the wave settings.
For detailed instructions, see Creating Wave Transactions.
On the Orders subtab, check the box next to the orders you want to release.
Click Save.
If some of the items are released in an existing wave, the confirmation message appears with the wave number.
You can process items released in a new wave through a separate pick task. Fulfillments generated from the wave follow your preference of per order or per order line fulfillment. See Picking Orders or Viewing the Status of Fulfillment Generation.