Printing Pick Tickets from Wave Transactions
Pick tickets provide details of released items and pick tasks for processing. The picking type of the wave determines the grouping of items on a pick ticket. For information about picking types, see Creating Wave Transactions or Picking Orders.
Single Order Pick Ticket -Pick ticket for each released order, containing all line items included in the wave.
Bulk Picking or Multiple Order Pick Ticket -Pick ticket for each pick task with similar items across the orders included in the wave.
When you release orders with multiple shipping routes, single order pick tickets group together the line items that have the same shipping route. Multiple order pick tickets display the shipping address, carrier, and method for each line item. For more information, see Multiple Shipping Routes.
On each ticket, the pick tasks follow the ascending order of the recommended bins’ sequence numbers. Any non-inventory items, having no recommended bin, appear at the bottom of the list.
To view or print pick tickets, be sure to enable the required Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature. Before printing pick tickets, make sure that your account does not use the Print Using HTML general preference. Pick ticket documents are optimized for PDF, which you can view and print using Adobe Reader. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates Feature or Personal Preferences for Transactions.
To print pick tickets from a wave transaction:
Go to Transactions > Inventory > Release Orders to Warehouse > List.
From the list of waves, click View next to the wave you want to open.
On the Wave page, click the print icon to open the pick ticket.
On the toolbar of the pick ticket document, click the print icon.
If you want to save a soft copy of the pick ticket in PDF, click the download icon.