Updating Waves and Handling Wave Issues
You can edit unreleased waves, delete released and unreleased waves, and update waves with discrepancy issues. See the following topics:
Updating Waves
You can perform specific updates to unreleased and released wave transactions. To access an existing wave, you can go to Transactions > Inventory > Create a Wave > List, and then click Edit for the wave you want to update.
On an unreleased wave, you can do the following updates:
Assign pickers to pick tasks -On the Pick Tasks subtab, you can update an unreleased wave to assign pickers to pick tasks. See Pick Task Assignment.
Change the wave form -In the Custom Form field, you can switch to a custom wave form.
On both unreleased and released waves, you can generate and print pick tickets from the template associated with the standard or custom wave form. For more information about custom forms and pick tickets, see the following topics:
In edit mode, you can also delete waves by clicking Delete from the Actions list. See the following guidelines for deleting waves:
You can delete unreleased waves.
You can delete a wave in Released status or one that has no associated pick tasks.
In case you want to delete a pick task from a released wave, see Updating or Deleting Pick Tasks Generated from Waves.
When you have started to process a pick task, you can no longer delete the wave. If you want to reverse completed pick tasks and release the orders in a new wave, see Pick Task Reversal.
Orders or line items that you disassociate from a deleted wave can be included and released in a new wave.
Handling Wave Issues
NetSuite WMS automatically displays a warning message on wave transactions that have discrepancy issues. These waves contain pick tasks that do not reflect the current status of the sales or transfer order. They can also be associated with orders released in other waves that have pick tasks in the same state. As a result, the pick tasks remain in In Progress status and you have no option to delete or complete the waves. To resolve these issues for all affected waves at the same time, you can click the link on the warning message to automatically set the pick tasks to Done status and the waves to Complete status.