Posting Item Fulfillments for Partially Picked Orders
When processing pick tasks for released orders, you can mark open picks as done and post item fulfillment records for partially picked orders. You can post item fulfillments for the picked and staged items for an order when the other items cannot be picked due to insufficient inventory. You first search for partially picked orders and then select the orders for which you want to post item fulfillments. For more information about picking orders, see Picking Orders.
Item fulfillment creation for partially picked orders follows your Per Order or Per Order Line preference. If you use the Per Order setting, you generate fulfillments after you have marked done all partially picked orders and those that have not been started. Fulfillment records do not include pick tasks that have not been started, which have no picked quantity. For more information about the fulfillment preference, see Setting Warehouse Management Preferences.
To post an item fulfillment for partially picked orders:
Log in to your NetSuite WMS account using the Warehouse role.
Go to Shipping > Picking > Mark Open Picks Done.
Important:Do not use the menu option at Shipping > Post Item Fulfillment > Partially-Picked Orders.
In the Location field, select your warehouse location.
In the Transaction Type field, select whether you want to include sales orders or transfer orders on the item fulfillment.
Depending on which orders you want to include in the search results, set any of the filters in the Pick Task Details section:
Wave # -Enter the number of the wave used to release the orders or open picks.
Transaction # -Enter the transaction number of the sales or transfer order.
Item -Select the item for the released orders or open picks.
Customer -For sales orders, select the individual customer or company name.
Ship Date -Enter the ship date for the orders.
Ship Method -Select the ship method for the orders.
Task Assigned To -Select the name of the picker or warehouse operator assigned to the open picks.
Click Display.
The Picking subtab displays the list of partially completed pick tasks or those in Started status. The list includes pick tasks in Ready status, which have not been started or with no picked quantity.
In the Mark Done column, check the box next to each pick you want to mark done and include in the item fulfillments.
Note:For pick tasks not started or in Ready status, you can mark them done without creating or including them in item fulfillments because they have no picked quantity.
Click Submit.
To view the generated item fulfillments, go to Shipping > Shipping > Fulfill Orders > List. For information about item fulfillment creation, see Viewing the Status of Fulfillment Generation.