Monitoring the Status of Released Orders

Wave transactions display the status of all associated pick tasks as pickers process and fulfill them on a mobile device. You can access a wave by going to Transactions > Inventory > Release Orders to Warehouse > List. On a wave, you can track the progress through the following statuses:

Wave Statuses

You can view the status of a wave at the top left corner of the Wave page, beside the wave number, and in the Status field in the Primary Information section.

  • Pending Release - In this status, you have the option of assigning pick tasks to warehouse operators. You cannot add or remove orders, but you can still delete the wave transaction.

  • Released - This is the default status of a wave. Pending waves that you release to the warehouse transition to this status. Pickers gain access to pick tasks through their mobile device, so you cannot directly update pick task assignments on the wave.

  • In Progress - In this status, one or more pick tasks have been updated by the picker so you cannot delete the wave transaction anymore.

  • Complete - Waves transition to this status when all associated pick tasks have been completed by the pickers. Deleting all pick tasks of a wave also sets the wave to this status.

Pick Task Statuses

You can view the overall status of a pick task on the Pick Tasks subtab of a wave. You can also view this status in the header of a pick task subrecord.

  • Pending - Initial status of a newly generated pick task. The wave has not been released yet, so you can assign a picker to the pick task.

  • Ready - When you release the orders, the associated pick tasks transition to this state. On the pick task record, you can still change the picker or delete the pick task. For more information, see Updating or Deleting Pick Tasks Generated from Waves.

  • In Progress - In this status, the pickers have started processing a pick task, so you cannot delete the pick task subrecord. They also may have staged or completed one or more line items.

    Pick tasks with failed line items also display this status. For more information, see Pick Task Line Item Statuses.

  • Done - In this status, all pick task line items have been completed or reversed. For more information, see Updating or Deleting Pick Tasks Generated from Waves.

Pick task subrecords display the picking details recorded using a mobile device. The details include picked quantities and the status of each pick task line item. To access from a wave, you can click the pick task number link on the Pick Tasks subtab. You can also go to Transactions > Inventory > View Pick Tasks.

Pick Task Line Item Statuses

On a pick task subrecord, you can monitor the progress of a single picker. On the Line Items subtab, you can view the individual picked quantities, status, and picking dates. Pick task line items automatically transition to the following statuses as pickers process the tasks on a mobile device:

  • Ready - Initial status of a pick task line item, for a pick task on Pending or Ready status.

  • Started - Pick tasks that have partially picked quantities move to this status. The picker has updated the picked quantity or inventory details of the pick task line item but has not completed the pick.

  • Picked - In this status, the picker has completely picked all the items.

  • Staged - Assigning a staging bin transitions pick task line items to this status.

  • Done - NetSuite WMS automatically assigns this status to pick task line items completed by a picker on a mobile device. After fulfillment creation, the line item displays the link in the Transaction Number column. For more information, see Item Fulfillments of Released Orders.

    Reversed pick task lines also display this status. See Pick Task Reversal.

  • Failed - Line items in this status have failed the release of the wave or fulfillment creation. To handle failed pick task line items, see Viewing Failed Pick Task Lines or Updating or Deleting Pick Tasks Generated from Waves.

You can also view the overall status of a pick task in the Primary Information section and the total picked quantity in the Pick Information section. For more information about the overall status, see Pick Task Statuses.

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