Terminating a Subscription Line Item

Terminating a subscription is a line-level action. When you terminate a subscription line item, you can edit it on or before the termination date. After a subscription line is closed or terminated, the subscription line is locked from all edits. If you want to terminate a subscription using the Terminate change order, you must first terminate each subscription line item.

After a line item is terminated, the status of the line item changes to Terminated the day after the termination date. For example, if you terminate a subscription at 8:00 a.m. July 1, the termination change order does not take effect until 11:59 p.m. If there is a daily charge or prorated charge for the subscription, the customer is charged for July 1. Any future charges are canceled. If a subscription line item is terminated in error, you must enter a new subscription item. You cannot change the subscription line item status after it is set to Terminated.

To terminate a subscription line item:

  1. Go to Transactions > Subscriptions > Create Subscriptions > List.

  2. Click the Edit link associated with the subscription for which you want to terminate line items.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Terminate.

  4. In the Effective Date field, enter or select a date for the termination.

  5. For the line item you want to terminate, check the Apply box.

  6. Click Save.

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