Scheduling a Report

When viewing a report, you can click Schedule in the footer of the report to create a schedule to automatically email the report. Schedules can be created for standard and saved reports and can be sent to other users.

Depending on your company email preferences, scheduled reports are sent using either your company or subsidiary email address, or the email address of the user who created the report schedule.


If the user who created the report schedule leaves your company, you cannot edit the from email address. You can however, recreate the report schedule so that the reports are sent using your email address. For more information about the from email addresses used for NetSuite forms, see Setting Email Preferences.

Clicking the Schedule button opens the Schedule Report page where you can select recipients, enter a message, select attachments to include, or all of the above with the emailed report. You can also schedule the report to run regularly at a predefined interval


Customers are encouraged to run large reports during off-peak hours. Reports that run beyond 3 minutes during peak hours are automatically disabled and the primary email recipient is notified by email that the report has timed-out. Timed-out reports will not run again until they have been either edited, to make them run faster, or rescheduled to run during off-peak hours.

You can go to Reports > Scheduled Reports > Report Schedules to view a list of your scheduled reports. From the Report Schedules page, you can click Edit to revise or delete a saved schedule. For more information, see Report Schedules Page. Expand/collapse settings are maintained for scheduled reports.

Reports that have been scheduled in your production account are not run in your Release Preview account, to avoid confusion. If you want to run a report on a schedule in your Release Preview account, you need to schedule the report in that account.


There is a 20MB limitation on emails sent from NetSuite. If the report you are sending over email contains any non-ASCII characters in the results data, the limit can be reduced due to applied encoding. To overcome the size limitation, you should narrow down your results or you can send a link to the report content.

To schedule a report:

  1. Go to Reports > Reports Overview and click the name of the report you want to schedule to run the report.

  2. In the footer of the report, click the Schedule button Footer schedule icon.

  3. On the Schedule Report page, enter a name for the schedule.

    This name will help you identify this schedule on the Report Schedules list.

  4. Enter the date for the report to run. If the report is to be run more than one time, then this date will be the date that the schedule becomes active.

  5. Enter the start time for the report. If the time you select is during peak hours, this will be indicated to the right of the time field. See the preceding note about scheduling reports during off-peak hours.

    Schedule Report page

    The date and time are set according to your timezone, as set in Home > Set Preferences > General, at the time of creating the schedule. Changing your timezone will not affect the timing of existing scheduled reports.

  6. Check the Run Report More Than Once box if you would like the report to run multiple times. If you select this box the page will expand to reveal further scheduling options as follows:

    1. Daily Event – Specify the frequency: Repeat every X days (also counting weekend days) or Repeat every weekday (Monday-Friday).

    2. Weekly Event – Specify the frequency: Repeat every X weeks and choose which days of the week it should run.

    3. Monthly Event – Select day X of every X months or specify the (1st, 2nd, … last) (Sunday, Monday, … Saturday) of every X Months.

    4. Yearly Event – Select the date or specify the (1st, 2nd, ... last) (Monday, Tuesday, ... Saturday) of (Jan, Feb ... Dec).

    5. Start At and End By – Enter the date range you want to schedule the report for.

      If you are scheduling a single event, the report will be emailed on the date entered in the Start At field.

      If you are scheduling a repeat event, the report will be emailed according to the schedule you set starting on the date entered in the Start At field and ending on the date entered in the End By field.

    6. No End Date -Check this box if you want the schedule to repeat indefinitely.

      This field is checked by default. Entering a date in the End By field automatically clears this box.

  7. On the Recipients subtab:

    1. The Recipient field is pre-filled with your email address. You can change the primary recipient by selecting from the Recipient dropdown list.

      Note that if email notifications for the report schedule fail, timed-out reports and other notifications are sent to the primary recipient. The recipients in the Cc and Bcc lists do not receive these failure notification emails.

    2. In the Copy Others dropdown list, select an additional recipient and choose whether to include in the Cc or Bcc list, and click Add.


      For security reasons, you can only select email addresses tracked in your NetSuite account as recipients for a scheduled report. If you want to send the report to an email address that is currently not available in your account, you should create a Contact entity. You can also create other entities such as Customer, Employee, Group, Partner, or Vendor, but Contact is the preferred one. Note that if you choose to create a Group entity, reports are sent by default to the group email address only. If you want to send the report to each member of the group, check the All individual group members box.

      For information about how to create each entity type, see the following topics:

    3. Repeat step b for each additional recipient to be copied.

      Note that a primary and copied to recipient(s) can be either an individual user or a group. Dropdown lists include each group that has a group email address.

  8. On the Message subtab:

    1. Enter custom subject and body text for email messages.

    2. Choose the Sending Format from the list.

  9. On the Attachments subtab:

    1. In the Attach File field, select a file from your computer or File Cabinet to attach to the email, and click Add.

    2. Repeat to attach additional files.

    3. Check the Zip attachments box if you want to attach a zip file of all selected attachments.

  10. Click Save.

To edit a report schedule:

  1. Go to Reports > Scheduled Reports > Report Schedules.

  2. On the Report Schedules page, locate the report schedule you would like to edit and click Edit.

  3. Edit the existing report schedule’s Recipients, Message, Attachments, and Audit Trail tabs that are associated with the report. For more information, review Scheduling a Report.

  4. Click Save.

To delete a report schedule:

  1. Go to Reports > Scheduled Reports > Report Schedules.

  2. On the Report Schedules page, locate the report schedule you would like to delete and click Edit.

  3. From the Actions menu, choose Delete.


A report schedule is deleted automatically whenever the employee or role who created this schedule is marked inactive.

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General Notices