Creating a Contact

You can enter contacts on behalf of your company, and you can enter private contacts that only you have access to.

You can create a contact at Lists > Relationships > Contacts > New. You can also create a contact on an entity record. Contacts created for other records are listed on the Contacts subtab of that record.

To add a contact:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Contacts > New.

  2. Under Primary Information:

    1. If your company uses custom forms, select the form you want to use to enter this contact record.

    2. Let NetSuite generate the value for the Contact field by completing the Name fields, or type directly in the Contact field.

      The value in this field is how the contact’s name appears in all lists.

    3. Complete the following fields in this section as appropriate:

      • In the Company field, select the company this contact is associated with.

      • In Job Title, enter the contact's title at his or her company.

      • In Comments, enter any other information you want to note about this contact.

        You can enter up to 999 characters of text. These notes appears only on this record.

        Optionally, you can get writing help for the Comments field from our generative AI service, NetSuite Text Enhance. Click the Enhance Text button to use the available options. For more information about using this capability, see Text Enhance.

      • Check the Private box if this is a private contact.

        Private contacts can only be viewed by the person that entered the contact record. They are also excluded from the Duplicate Detection process.

      • Select a Category for this contact. Press Ctrl to select multiple categories.

        To synchronize this contact record with another application, you must select a contact category with sync enabled in addition to other categories.

        For information about adding categories, see Creating Categories for Contacts.

      • In the Image field, select an image from your file cabinet to attach to this record.

        To upload a new image, click the New Screenshot of the New icon, which is a plus sign. icon.

  3. Under Email | Phone | Address, enter the email addresses and the telephone and fax numbers used by the contact.

    The contact's physical address appears in the Address field. For instructions to add an address, see Entering an Address on a Record.

    If you leave these fields blank, NetSuite updates these fields with information when it is supplied in another record type, such as a case record.

  4. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, select the Subsidiary associated with this contact.

  5. Add additional information about the following subtabs as appropriate:

    • Relationships – Select name and enter phone numbers for the contact’s supervisor and assistant.

    • Communication – Use this subtab to schedule phone calls, tasks, and events. You can also add notes and attach files to this contact. For more information, see Attaching Events, Tasks, and Calls to Records and Transactions.

    • Address – Use this subtab to enter the addresses associated with this contact. The address might be required. For more information, see Entering an Address on a Record.

    • Marketing – Use this subtab to track marketing information related to this contact. The fields included on the subtab vary depending on the features enabled in your account.

      The Lead Source field is a standard field on this subtab where you can select the lead source that brought this contact to your company. If you use the Marketing Automation feature, this field shows a list of your marketing campaigns. For more information, see Lead Sources.

      Other subtabs and fields may appear on the Marketing subtab, depending on the features that are enabled in your account. For information, see Marketing Automation Overview.

  6. Click Save.

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