Setting Email Preferences
The Email Preferences page is where users with the Administrator role can set up global email preferences for their company. Preferences set on these pages affect all users in your NetSuite account. See the following sections for more information:
Use the Set Up Web Site page to set preferences for sending email from your website. For more information, see Set Website Email Preferences.
To set your email preferences:
Go to Setup > Company > Email > Email Preferences.
Complete the required fields as detailed in the following sections.
Click Save.
Field |
Description |
Global BCC List (Separate Addresses with Commas) |
In this field, list email addresses to which you want to send blind copies of outbound email messages, including emailed transaction forms, individually sent email, email merges, campaign email, and system response email. Separate multiple addresses with commas. To enter BCC email addresses intended for outbound messages from the Web store, see Set Website Email Preferences. |
Global Footer |
In this field, enter text to be included at the bottom of each outbound email message, including emailed transaction forms, individually sent email, email merges, campaign email, and system response email. This text can meet legal requirements and serve as a disclaimer.
This email uses HTML based on your setting in the Email Using HTML field at Home > Set Preferences on the Transactions subtab under Printing. To enter content intended for outbound messages from the Web store, see Set Website Email Preferences. |
Default Mail Merge Domain |
Select the campaign email domain you want selected by default on your email and templates. A campaign domain is required if you send more than 10,000 bulk email per month. To create new campaign email domains, go to Commerce > Websites > Website List, click Edit next to your website, and then click the Domains subtab. |
Enable Email Alerts for WS and CSV Imports |
To improve performance and avoid unnecessary email, by default, saved search email alerts are not sent for updates made by CSV imports or SOAP web services integrations. Check this box to cause email alerts to be sent for CSV imports and SOAP web services integrations. For more details, see Enabling Saved Search Email Alerts. |
Remove Email Addresses From Bounced Email Address list After |
Select the number of days delay before email addresses that returned a bounce message are removed from the Bounced Email Address list. Email addresses on this list are not sent email from NetSuite during this period. This includes all types of email, including individual and bulk email messages through mail merge or marketing campaigns. |
Click the Transactions subtab to set email preferences for your transactions.
Field |
Description |
Customers Default to Email Transactions |
Check this box to deliver customer transactions by printing, by email, by fax, or by a combination of the three. The delivery preferences you define default on all new customer records you create. Later, you can change the settings on individual customer records as needed by checking or clearing the appropriate boxes. |
Vendors Default to Email Transactions |
Check this box to deliver vendor transactions by printing, by email, by fax, or by a combination of the three. The delivery preferences you define default on all new vendor records you create. Later, you can change the settings on individual vendor records as needed by checking or clearing the appropriate boxes. |
Send to all Administrators |
Check this box to send every employee with the Administrator role a copy of each transaction form emailed to customers or vendors. Security-sensitive email is always sent to the owner of the email address. For example, password reset email does not obey preferences that override routing rules (such as the Send to all Administrators preference). Examples of security-sensitive email include:
CC (Separate Addresses with Commas |
In this field, list email addresses to which you want to send copies of emailed transaction forms. Separate multiple addresses with commas or semicolons. You can email copies of forms to all Administrators, all Administrators and those you specify in the CC field, or only those you specify in the CC field. |
From Address for Emailed Forms |
In this field, select the email address to show in the From field of email you send with NetSuite:
Use Popup for Main Transaction Email Button |
Check this box if you want to view and modify the email you send when you click the Email button from a transaction. With this preference enabled, when you click the Email button on a transaction, an email form opens, allowing you to modify the recipients and email text. If this preference is disabled, when you click the Email button on a transaction, the transaction email is sent immediately. |
CC Customer on All Emails Related to Orders Placed by Contacts |
Check this box if you want to send all web store order email messages to:
If this box is not checked, all web store order email is sent only to the contact who placed the order. No email is sent to the main customer email address. |
Default Email Template |
Select an email template to use as the default template for standard transactions. The Standard Transaction Email Template provided with NetSuite is selected by default. |
Click the Templates subtab to set preferences for your email templates.
Field |
Description |
Template Folder |
In this field, select the File Cabinet folder you want to store your mail templates in by default. |
User Access Email Template |
In this field, select the template to use when notifying an employee that they have been given access to your account. To create additional templates to go in this dropdown list, go to Setup > Company > Email > Email System Templates, then click New Template. |
Customer Center Email Template |
In this field, select the template to use when notifying customers that they have been given access to the Customer Center. To create additional templates to go in this dropdown list, go to Setup > Company > Email > System Email Templates and click New Template. |
Partner Center Email Template |
In this field, select the template to use when notifying partners that they have been given access to the Partner Center or Advanced Partner Center. To create additional templates to go in this dropdown list, go to Setup > Company > Email > System Email Templates, then click New Template. |
Webstore Template Folder |
Select which File Cabinet folder to store templates used by the Web store for outbound email messages. |
Email Domains (DKIM)
Click the Email Domains (DKIM) subtab to set up DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) for the domains from which you want to send email from NetSuite.
By setting up domain keys for your email domains, your DKIM headers are applied to outgoing email messages sent from your NetSuite account. This code header contains information to authenticate the email with the receiving server but does not add any text to your messages.
Past procedures for setting up DKIM have changed in the 2024.1 release.
Column |
Description |
Domain Name |
Enter the domain name from which you want to send email, one domain per row. |
Status |
After saving the domain name in NetSuite displays the status of the domain: Pending Verification, Ready, or Requires Action. |
Details |
Review the messages that are displayed (as needed) for informational purposes or when more action may be requested or required. |
Enter your email domains in NetSuite and use the information generated in NetSuite to add DNS records at your domain provider's website to complete your DKIM setup.
For more information, see DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Procedures to Set Up DKIM in Your Production Account.
Sandbox and Release Preview Email Preferences
Click the Sandbox and Release Preview Email Preferences tab to set preferences for the routing of email messages from your sandbox and release preview accounts.
You should choose the Send Email To option for both the Sandbox and Release Preview accounts.
There are exceptions to the email routing rules you specify. Security-sensitive email will be always sent to the owner of the email address. For example, password reset email does not obey preferences that override routing rules.
Examples of security-sensitive email include:
Reset Password
Change Password
Change Email Address
Security Questions (Setup or Update)
Two-Factor Authentication Setup (one-time password)

Option |
Description |
Send Email To (You should choose this option.) |
Choose this option to ensure email messages are delivered to specific addresses.
Send Email to Logged In User |
Choose this option to route email messages to the user logged in to the NetSuite UI. If you select this option, be aware of the following behaviors:
Do Not Send Emails |
Choose this option if you do not want any email messages sent. |
Related Topics
- NetSuite Company Settings
- Set Company Preferences
- Renaming Records and Transactions
- Set Auto-Generated Numbers
- Setting Up States, Provinces, and Counties
- Supported Countries
- Setting Printing and Fax Preferences
Setting Text Enhance Preferences
- Setting Up Duplicate Detection
- NetSuite Account Information
- Antivirus Scanning on File Cabinet Files
- Using System Alerts
- Searching Bulk Processing Jobs
- Configuring Administrative Notifications
- Managing Plug-ins
- NetSuite Service Tiers
- SuiteCloud Plus Settings
- Setting Up Transactions for NetSuite CRM+
- The Setup Page for NetSuite CRM+Users
- Using Telephony Integration
- Email for Administrators
- Working with Email
- Configuring Company Information