Emailing a Report

You can click the Email button Footer email icon in the footer of any report to email the report to any employee, vendor, customer, partner, or group entered in your account.

Email Report page

On the Email Report page, you can :


Email messages of reports display your company name and email address in the From: line. You can enter this email address at Home > Set Preferences, on the General subtab, in the User Profile section, in the From Email Address field. If this field is blank, the email your NetSuite login email address is used. The preference you set for Nickname, and the From Address for Emailed Forms entered at Setup > Company > Email Preferences, do not apply to report email.

To email a report:

  1. On the Reports page, click the name of the report you want to email, to run the report.

  2. Click Email in the report footer.

    The Email Report page opens.

  3. On the Recipients subtab:

    1. Select the primary recipient from the Recipient dropdown list.

    2. In the Copy Others dropdown list, select an additional recipient and choose whether to include in the Cc or Bcc list, and click Add.


      For security reasons, you can only select email addresses tracked in your NetSuite account as recipients for emailing a report. If you want to send the report to an email address that is currently not available in your account, you should create a Contact entity. You can also create other entities such as Customer, Employee, Group, Partner, or Vendor, but Contact is the preferred one. Note that if you choose to create a Group entity, reports are sent by default to the group email address only. If you want to send the report to each member of the group, check the All individual group members box.

      For information about how to create each entity type, see the following topics:

    3. Repeat step b for each additional recipient to be copied.

      Note that a primary or copied to recipient can be either an individual user or a group. Dropdown lists include each group that has a group email address.


    Emailed reports are sent only to active entities. Recipients that have been marked inactive do not receive emailed reports.

  4. On the Message subtab:

    1. Enter a custom subject and message text for email messages.

    2. If you want to send your report as an attachment, check the Send Report as Attachment box. The attached report will be in HTML format.

      If you do not choose to send the report as an attachment, the report is included as part of the message and appears below the text you enter in the Message field.

  5. On the Attachments subtab:

    1. In the Attach File field, select a file from your computer or File Cabinet to attach to the email, and click Add.

    2. Repeat to attach additional files.

    3. Check the Zip attachments box if you want to attach a zip file of all selected attachments.

  6. Click Send.


Expand/collapse settings are ignored when you email a report: the report results are always expanded in the attachment.

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General Notices