Creating a Vendor Record

A vendor is a company or person from whom you purchase goods and services. Vendor records track information about your vendors and enable you to view past transactions and communications with them.

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can share a vendor record across multiple subsidiaries or assign one vendor to a single subsidiary. For more information about globally shared vendor records, see Assigning Subsidiaries to a Vendor.


The fields that appear in your account depend on which features you have enabled in your account. Some fields described below may not appear in your account.

To create a vendor record:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors > New.

  2. Enter information as indicated below.

  3. Click Save.

Primary Information

  1. In the Custom Form field, accept the default form or select the form you prefer to use to create this record.

    To customize this form, select New or click Customize Form.

  2. In the Vendor ID field, enter your vendor's name the way it should appear in all lists.

    • If you leave this field blank, this field fills with the name you enter in the Company Name field.

    • If you use Auto-Generated Numbering, this field fills with the vendor number or code.

  3. Next to Vendor ID, clear the Auto box to manually enter a name for this record. When this box is checked, a name or number is assigned for this record, based on your settings at Setup > Set Up Auto-Generated Numbers.

  4. Next to Type, choose whether this vendor is a company or an individual.

  5. In the Company Name field, enter the legal name of this vendor.

    If you use Auto-Generated Numbering, you should enter the vendor name to ensure that it appears along with the code in lists.

  6. In the Web Address field, enter a URL for this vendor's web address. When you return to this record for viewing, this address is a link.

  7. Select the category for this vendor.

    To create new categories, go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists . Click Vendor Category.

  8. In the Image field, select an image from the file cabinet to attach to this record.

    Click or select New to upload a new image.

  9. In the Comments field, enter any additional notes.

Email | Phone | Address

  1. Enter the email address of your vendor. If you permit your vendors online access, this becomes part of their access code.


    Do not give access to unknown email addresses, or unknown vendors. It is also unsafe to use generic email addresses like

  2. Enter a phone number for your vendor. It will appear on the Vendor List report.

  3. Enter the vendor's alternate phone number.

  4. Enter the vendor's fax number.

    You should enter the fax number exactly as it must be dialed. If a '1' is required to fax to this number, include it at the beginning of the number.

    The number you enter here automatically appears in the To Be Faxed field of transactions when you select this customer.

    To fax NetSuite forms, an administrator must first set up the fax service at Setup > Company > Preferences > Printing & Fax.

  5. The Address field automatically shows the default billing address that you enter and add using the Address subtab.

Click a subtab to schedule activities, send email, attach files, add notes and more for this vendor. For more information about choosing which fields appear on these subtabs, see Configuring Fields or Screens.


If you use NetSuite OneWorld, in the Primary Subsidiary field, select the primary subsidiary to assign to this vendor.

You cannot enter transactions for this vendor unless a primary subsidiary is assigned.

The default primary currency for the vendor is the base currency of the primary subsidiary.


After you save the vendor record, you cannot change the primary subsidiary.


If you use NetSuite OneWorld, the Subsidiaries subtab enables you to assign the secondary subsidiaries that can share this vendor. After you save the vendor record, you can see vendor open balances at subsidiary level.


If the Subsidiaries subtab is not visible, your organization uses a custom vendor entry form that prevents users from associating vendors with multiple subsidiaries.

For more information, see Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.

If this vendor record is not shared with multiple subsidiaries and for existing vendors, note the following about the Subsidiaries subtab. This subtab provides the primary subsidiary’s outstanding balance and unbilled orders balance in the subsidiary’s currency, and the vendor’s credit limit.

If you have access to a vendor record and at least one assigned subsidiary, note the following. You can view and edit the vendor record, according to your permission level.

Users with access to a vendor record but not to all of the subsidiaries assigned to the vendor note the following. You can view, edit, or both only those subsidiaries to which you have access, according to your permission level.

Users with Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing enabled can view vendor records and all subsidiaries.

The primary subsidiary automatically displays first on this subtab.

At any time you can add a subsidiary to the shared vendor. You can delete a subsidiary if there are no associated transactions. However, if an entity shares a customer and a vendor and both are associated with a subsidiary, note the following. Any customer transaction prevents you from deleting the subsidiary assignment.


You cannot share a tax agency vendor or a vendor defined as a project resource. Further, you cannot share a vendor whose purpose is Intercompany Management.

You can deactivate an assigned subsidiary when the assignment is no longer useful to you.

When you select this vendor on a transaction, you can associate the transaction with the primary subsidiary and any or all assigned secondary subsidiaries. Note that the vendor has access to the primary subsidiary’s transactions in the Vendor Center. If the Vendor Center role is customized by setting Allow Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing, the vendor can see all of the transactions in the Vendor Center.

To configure the subsidiaries subtab:

  1. In the Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary that can share this vendor.

  2. In the Credit Limit field, enter the credit limit for this subsidiary.

    The default is no value, or no credit limit.


    The primary subsidiary’s credit limit displays in the matrix on the Subsidiaries subtab, rather than on the Financials subtab.

  3. In the Tax Code field, select the tax code to apply by default to purchase orders and bills entered for this subsidiary vendor relationship. You can change the tax code on individual transactions.

    If you use NetSuite OneWorld and this vendor is shared with multiple subsidiaries, note the following. You can select a tax code that is associated with any of the secondary subsidiaries assigned to this vendor.

    The default tax code you assign to a subsidiary vendor combination must be available on purchase transactions. Otherwise, you cannot select this tax code on purchase orders or bills for that vendor. Ensure that the Available On field of the tax code record (Setup > Accounting > Tax Codes) is set to Purchase Transactions or Both.

  4. Click Add.

    Add each subsidiary that is to share this vendor. Subsidiaries within a subsidiary do not automatically share this vendor.

    You cannot add multiple subsidiaries to a tax agency vendor.

    After you save the vendor record, the Subsidiaries subtab provides the primary subsidiary and any active and inactive subsidiaries. The subtab provides the outstanding balance for each subsidiary In both the currency of vendor’s primary currency and the subsidiary’s base currency. It also provides the unbilled orders balance in both currencies.

    If you use the Vendor Prepayments feature, note the following about the Subsidiaries subtab. This subtab provides the total balance of prepayments associated with the vendor record in the vendor’s primary currency and the subsidiary’s base currency.

    • The Prepayment Balance column provides the prepayment balance in the vendor’s primary currency.

    • The Prepayment Balance (Base) column provides the prepayment balance in the subsidiary’s base currency.


  1. On the Contacts subtab, enter information about your contacts with this vendor.


  1. On the Phone Calls subtab, view or enter new phone calls for this vendor.

  2. On the Tasks subtab, view or enter CRM tasks records relating to this vendor.

    For more information about tasks, see Working with CRM Tasks.

  3. On the Events subtab, enter events for this vendor.

  4. On the Files subtab, you can select and add files from the File Cabinet that are associated with this vendor. For example, you can attach a contract as a file associated with this vendor.

    Select New to upload a new file to the File Cabinet.

  5. On the User Notes subtab, add and track notations about this vendor.


  1. Check the Default Shipping address box if this is the main address to send returned products to the vendor.

  2. Check the Default Billing address box if this is the remittance address where payments should be sent for this vendor.

  3. Enter the Label for this address.

    You choose this name on transactions to select the address for this vendor.

  4. To add or edit values for other address fields, click the pencil icon in the Edit column.

    An address popup window displays address fields.


    The address form shown for each employee may vary according to the country where the employee is located. It also depends on the custom address forms defined in your account.

    For more information, see Customizing Address Forms.

    1. Ensure the value for Country is correct. If it not, select a different country.

    2. In the Attention field, enter the person at this address who should be notified of receipt of documents or goods.

      The value you enter automatically appears on forms if this address is marked as default for Shipping or Billing.

    3. In the Addressee field, enter the company name that should show on the shipping label here.

      This name appears under the name entered in the Attention field.

    4. Enter a phone number where the person receiving the package or mail can be reached.

    5. Enter the vendor’s street address.

      If you enter the zip code first, city and state populate automatically.

    6. By default, the information entered for the address fields displays in read-only format in the Address free-form text box. The address fields are in the Attention, Addressee, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, and Country.

      To edit the read-only text, check the Override box.

    7. Click OK.

  5. To enter additional addresses, click Add.

  6. Repeat these steps for each address for this vendor.


  1. The Campaigns subtab shows recent campaigns for this vendor.

  2. The Subscriptions subtab shows subscriptions for this vendor.

    • Check the box in the Subscribed column next to a subscription to have this vendor be subscribed.

    • Clear the box in the Subscribed column next to a subscription to have this vendor be unsubscribed.

  3. In the Global Subscription Status field, select the status you want to assign this vendor.

    If this vendor has not subscribed or unsubscribed to campaigns, you can set this status to Soft Opt-In or Soft Opt-Out. If this status is set to Confirmed Opt-Out, you cannot change the status.


    Certain jurisdictions, such as the European Union (EU), have regulations about contacting entities if you do not have their explicit permission to do so. You should check that your global subscription status adheres to the regulations in the recipient’s jurisdiction.


Account Information

  1. In the Legal Name field, enter the legal name for this vendor for financial purposes. If you entered a name in the Company Name field, that name appears here.

  2. In the Business Number field, enter the 15-digit registration number that identifies this vendor as a client of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA).

  3. In the Account field, enter the account name or number for this vendor.

  4. Enter this vendor's legal name.

  5. Select a Default Expense Account for purchases from this vendor.

  6. In the Default Payables Account field, choose the default payable account for this vendor record.

  7. Select the terms you have with this vendor.

  8. If you have the Multiple Currencies feature enabled, select the currency this vendor uses.

    If you do business with vendors who use multiple currencies in their business dealings with you, select the vendor's primary currency. You can add additional transaction currencies on the Currencies subtab. For more information, see Vendors and Multiple Currencies.

  9. In the Terms field, select the standard discount terms for this vendor's invoices. You can always change terms for an individual order or bill, however.

    To add choices to this list, go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists > New and click Term.

The primary subsidiary’s credit limit displays in the matrix on the Subsidiaries subtab.

Tax Information

  1. In the Tax Reg. Number field, enter the vendor’s VAT registration number.


    For OneWorld accounts, prior to Version 2015.1, the Tax Code field appeared on the Financial subtab. As of Version 2015.1, you specify the tax code at the line-level on the Subsidiaries subtab.

    The Tax Code field is not available in US edition accounts that are not OneWorld.

  2. Enter this vendor's Tax ID. This is necessary if you are required to issue a 1099 form. This number is a Social Security Number (SSN) for an individual.

  3. If you have paid this vendor over $600 for services this year, check the 1099 Eligible box.

Balance Information

  1. Enter the Opening Balance of this vendor's account.

  2. Enter or pick the Date of the balance in the Opening Balance field.


    If you use NetSuite OneWorld and you have shared this vendor record with multiple subsidiaries, note the following. This section provides the vendor’s open and unbilled orders balances in the both the vendor’s primary currency and in the subsidiary base currency.

Project Information

  1. Check the Project Resource box to enable this vendor to be chosen as a resource on tasks and jobs. As a job resource, a vendor can be assigned to complete a task or manage a project.

    Clear this box if you do not want this vendor to be chosen as a resource on tasks and jobs.


    If you have NetSuite OneWorld, you cannot share a vendor with multiple subsidiaries and also define the vendor as a project resource.

  2. Select a Work Calendar for this vendor.

  3. In the Labor Cost field, enter the cost of labor for this vendor to be able to calculate profitability on jobs.


  1. If you use the Quantity Pricing feature, the Schedules subtab shows pricing schedules for this vendor.

    Quantity pricing schedules can be used to apply prices you have negotiated with vendors. On the Pricing Schedules subtab, click New Pricing Schedule.

    Only one vendor can be associated with each quantity pricing schedule. You can, however, apply a schedule to any number of items.

    For more information, see Using Quantity Pricing.


  1. Click New Purchase Order or New Bill to enter new transactions for this vendor.

  2. Existing transactions for this vendor show in the list.

    • Filter the list by selecting a billing status of Open or Closed.

    • Filter the list by selecting a transaction type.


  1. Click Import Price List to import a price list for this vendor.

  2. Items associated with this vendor show in the list.


  1. In the Email Preference field, select the format for email that is sent to this person or company. Select Default to use the preference set at Home > Set Preferences.

  2. In the Print on Check As field, enter the vendor name the way it should appear on a check.

  3. Next to Send Transactions Via, check the appropriate boxes:

    • Email – Check this box to check the To Be Emailed box by default on transactions when this vendor is selected.

    • Print – Check this box to check the To Be Printed box by default on transactions when this vendor is selected.

    • Fax – Check this box to check the To Be Faxed box by default on transactions when this vendor is selected.

    For more information, see Preferred Transaction Delivery on Vendor Records.

System Information

  1. The Date Created field displays the date this vendor record was entered.

  2. If you check the Inactive box, this vendor does not appear on a list unless you check the Show Inactives box.

System Notes

  1. The System Notes subtab shows notations NetSuite tracks automatically.

You should use the following procedure that lets vendors set up a NetSuite password for themselves. However, if you prefer to set their passwords yourself, use the procedure in Manually Setting a Vendor’s Password.


  1. Check the Give Access box to give this vendor access to your NetSuite account.

  2. Check the Send New Access Notification Email box to notify your vendor of this new access. The notification email includes the email address (used for logging in to NetSuite) and explains login procedures. It also contains a URL so that the vendor can set up a NetSuite password.

    Checking Send New Access Notification Email does not require you to enter a password or check the Require Password Change on Next Login box.


    You should let the vendor create a password for NetSuite from the URL in the notification email. However, if you prefer to assign a password for the vendor, see Manually Setting a Vendor’s Password.

  3. In the Role column, select a role for this vendor and click Add.

    If this vendor is not a contractor, assign the Vendor Center role to share purchase order and accounts payable information with your vendor.

    For more information, see Assigning a Role to a Vendor.

Time Tracking

  1. If you have given your vendor time tracking permissions, in the Time Approver field, select an employee to approve time tracked by this vendor.

    If this field is blank, time tracked by this vendor is automatically approved until entered against a project with project time approval preferences defined. For more information, see Giving Vendors Access to Time Tracking.

Additional Information

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