Navigating a Report
When viewing reports in NetSuite, the report layout includes title, body, footer, and navigation sections.
As you scroll through report data, each row is highlighted as you hover over it.
Report sections are expandable and collapsible to provide different views of data.
You can use the [+] and [-] buttons in the body, or the Expand and Collapse buttons in the footer of a report to control the levels of data shown on a report.
When you go through an expanded section, an arrow shows the link between the selected row and its heading so you don't lose your place.
You can quickly shift between summary and detail versions of a report by clicking the navigation links available next to report titles.
If you are in a summary report, click View Detail to shift to the detail report.
If you are in a detail report, click View Summary to shift to the summary report.
By default, when you click a custom summary report's View Detail link, drilldown goes to the standard detail report, not to a customized detail report with the same set of data as the custom summary report.
You can select an individual row of data to drill down to the specific related record. For more information, see Drilling Down to Records or Transactions.
A Find field in the bottom right area of the report page lets you quickly locate specific data. Enter keywords, then press Return or click Next to find a matching row. Use the Next and Prev buttons to locate other matching rows.
Lengthy reports include a navigation pane at their far right, with markers for top level report information.
You can view the navigation pane expanded or collapsed. By default, the pane is collapsed, displaying markers at the level of each section heading. When you hover over a marker, the section name is displayed.
Click the
button to expand the pane so that it displays section names.
Click a marker to expand and highlight the corresponding report section.
For more information, see Using the Report Navigation Pane.
You also can use the Page Up, Page Down, Home, and End keys on your keyboard or the scrollbar in your browser to jump to specific data in your report.