Setting Report Footer Options
Each report's results page footer includes options you can set to change the report's data and formatting, as shown in this sample report results page footer:

The displayed options vary according to the type of report, the features enabled in your account, and your personal and account preferences. Some reports include a button that you can click to display additional options in the footer. (Click
to hide these options again.)
For a full list of available report footer options for standard reports and how to set them up, see Report Footer Options.
User-level and company-level reporting preferences also are available. For information, see Setting Preferences for Reports. You can use the Report Builder to further customize most reports. See Report Customization. To customize financial statements, see Financial Report Builder.
When you drill down from a summary report to the related detail report it is important that you keep the same footer filters. Even though you may be allowed to select a different filter value, do not change it. If you change the footer filters in this situation, the drilled-down-to detail report may not include correct values, because the filters used for the detail data are different than those used for the summary data. This issue may also occur if you change the footer filters on a custom detail report from what they were for the related custom summary report, and then preview the custom detail report. Free-form text input fields on footer filters in reports are currently constrained into 15 characters.
If you run the same report in different browser tabs or windows with different footer filters, the filters for the last report you run provide the parameters when you drill down, regardless of which tab or window you drill down in.