Standard Key Performance Indicators Table

Depending on your role and your account's enabled features, some or all of the following table's KPIs are available for display in the Key Performance Indicators portlet. If you see a KPI in the table that is not available to you in NetSuite and that you would like to display, check with your administrator to see if the related feature can be enabled, or if you can use another role to log in to NetSuite.

The table lists KPIs in alphabetical order.



Authorized Commission

This indicator shows the total outstanding commission amount that has been authorized but not paid, as of the selected date range.

Click this KPI's period or total to open the Authorized Commission Summary Report.

Authorized Partner Commission

This indicator shows the total outstanding commission amount that has been authorized but not paid to partners, as of the selected date range.

Click this KPI's period or total to open the Authorized Partner Commission Summary Report.

Average Days to Pay

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only) This indicator shows the customer's average number of days between invoice date and the payment date for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the A/R Aging Detail Report.

Average Days Overdue

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only) This indicator shows the average number of days that the customer had an overdue balance for the selected period(s).

The formula for this KPI is the average number of days that invoices are overdue, weighted by the amount of the invoices. For example, if the time now is 3:00:10pm: an invoice for $100 open for 5 days and a second invoice for $200 open for 10 days, the KPI shows ((5+54010/86400)*100 +(10+54010/86400)*200)/300 =8.9584490740740740740740740740741 The 54010 is the number of seconds since midnight of 3:00:10pm, and 86400 is the number of seconds in a day. So the invoice is not 5 days overdue, but is 5.6251157407407407407407407407407 days overdue. The number in the dashboard changes every second.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the A/R Aging Detail Report.


(Available on the Customer Dashboard only) This indicator shows the current dollar amount owed by the customer.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the A/R Aging Detail Report.

Bank Balance

(May display as Total Bank Balance)

This indicator shows the total impact on bank accounts, as of the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open either the Balance Sheet Report or the Bank Register Report. (Your account setup determines which report is the basis for this KPI. Click the Support by Phone button to understand your account settings.)

Cart Abandonment

This indicator shows the percentage difference between the number of Web store shopping carts filled and the number of orders placed during the selected date range.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Shopping Cart Abandonment Report.

Cases Closed

This indicator shows the number of cases closed during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Closed Cases Snapshot report.

Cases Escalated

This indicator shows the number of cases that have been escalated within the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Open Case Escalation Summary Report report.

Checkout Abandonment

This indicator shows the percentage of web store checkouts that were started but not completed during the selected date range(s). This calculation divides the total number of times the checkout process was started by the number of successfully completed checkouts.

Click this KPI's periods or percentage totals to open the Shopping Cart Abandonment Report.

Closed Issues

This indicator shows the number of issues that have been closed within the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Closed Issues Summary Report report.


This indicator shows the dollar value of the cost of goods sold in transactions during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Income Statement Report.

Consolidated Average Days Overdue

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only, when the Consolidated Payments feature is enabled.) This indicator shows the average number of days that the customer and its subcustomers had an overdue balance for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the A/R Aging Detail Report.

Consolidated Balance

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only, when the Consolidated Payments feature is enabled.) This indicator shows the current dollar amount owed by the customer and its subcustomers.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the A/R Aging Detail Report.

Consolidated Days Overdue

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only, when the Consolidated Payments feature is enabled.) This indicator shows the current number of days that the customer and its subcustomers have had an overdue balance.

Click this KPI's period or total to open the A/R Aging Detail Report.

Consolidated Overdue Balance

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only, when the Consolidated Payments feature is enabled.) This indicator shows the amount of the current overdue balance for the customer and its subcustomers.

Click Current or total to open the A/R Aging Detail Report.

Consolidated Unbilled Orders

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only, when the Consolidated Payments feature is enabled.) This indicator shows the total amount of orders for the customer and its subcustomers that have been placed but not billed for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Open Sales Orders Report.

Credit Card Balance

This indicator shows the total impact on credit card accounts during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Trial Balance Report.

Custom KPIs

Each of these indicators shows a total or count based on the results of a saved search. You add a custom KPI by selecting the saved search for which you want to display results.

You can define up to 10 custom KPIs to display in the portlet.

Click a custom KPI's periods or totals to open its underlying saved search results.

Days Overdue

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only) This indicator shows the current number of days that the customer has had an overdue balance.

Click this KPI's period or total to open the A/R Aging Detail Report.

Deferred Revenue

This indicator shows the total credits and debits to deferred revenue accounts during the selected period.

Click this KPI’s periods or totals to open the Balance Sheet Report.


This indicator shows the number of active employees included in payroll with a hire date in the past and no release date, as of the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open search results of employees that meet the above conditions.


This KPI is intended to list employees from a payroll point of view, so its results may differ from the complete list of employees shown at Lists > Employees > Employees.


This indicator shows the dollar value of assets less liabilities for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Balance Sheet Report.

Estimated Commission

This indicator shows the total value of estimated commissions for all transactions in the selected date range(s). Only commissions earned by you and your subordinates appear in this indicator.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to view the Estimated Commission Summary Report.

See also Commission Overview Report.

Estimated Partner Commission

This indicator shows the total estimated value of commissions earned by partners for transactions during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Estimated Partner Commission Summary Report.

See also Commission Overview Report.


This indicator shows the total debits to income and expense accounts during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Income Statement Report.

Fixed Assets

This indicator shows the total dollar value of fixed assets, meaning durable property or equipment that will not be used up or converted to cash within a year, for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Trial Balance Report.


(This KPI is labeled Forecast (Billings) on the Customer Dashboard.)

This indicator shows total sales within the selected date range(s), including the following transactions:

  • Total income and reimbursed expenses from customers

  • Total value of open estimates that are set to be included in the forecast and are expected to close in the selected date range(s)

  • Total value of open opportunities that are expected to close in the selected date range(s) and do not include an estimate that is set to appear in the forecast


The values of estimates and opportunities included in forecasts depend on the preferences defined at Setup > Sales > Preferences > Sales Preferences, Forecasts subtab.

This KPI can display a comparison of two different date ranges if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Billings Forecast vs. Quota Report.

Forecast (Alt. Sales)

This indicator shows the total sales forecast, based on alternate sales amounts (ASA), for the selected date range(s).

This KPI can display a comparison of two different date ranges if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features , in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Alt. Sales Forecast vs. Quota Report.


When The ASA feature is enabled, sales reps can track two different forecasts, one based on billings, and one based on ASA.

Forecast Override

This indicator shows the total amount of sales your reps expect to bring in during the selected date range(s).

The forecast amount shown is the sum of the forecast overrides for reps whose supervisors have not entered forecast overrides.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Billings Forecast vs. Quota Report.

Forecast Override (Alt. Sales)

This indicator shows the total sales forecast for the selected date range(s), based on the ASA override forecast amounts (ASA).

The override forecast reflects the ASA amount that sales reps predict they will earn for the period. Sales managers can enter forecast override amounts to account for deals that have not yet been entered as transactions, adjusting the forecast amounts of sales reps based on reps' previous success at predicting their sales.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Alt. Sales Forecast vs. Quota Report.

Gross New Leads

This indicator shows the total number of lead records created during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Gross Lead Source Analysis Detail Report. This report differs from the Lead Source Analysis Detail Report because it includes all leads, rather than those in a lead statuses marked to be included in lead reports within the date range of the report.

Hosted Page Hits

This indicator shows the number of pages your hosted website has displayed during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Hosted Page Hits Report.


This indicator shows the total credits to income, other income, and expense accounts during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Income Statement Report.


This indicator shows the balance of the Inventory asset account and any Other Current Asset account for which you checked the Inventory box on the account record, for the selected date range(s).


This KPI is intended to show the account balance, so its results may differ from the inventory valuation report that displays the value of each inventory item.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Inventory Valuation Report.

Long Term Liabilities

This indicator shows the total dollar value of long term liabilities, meaning debts payable over more than one year, for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Trial Balance Report.

My Utilization

This indicator displays a user’s utilization.

Net Cash Flow

This indicator shows the overall change in cash position during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Cash Flow Statement Report.


If your Cash Flow Statement has been customized, the KPI amount may differ from the amount shown on the report.

New Business

This indicator shows the total of all sales transactions during the selected period(s) for customers with first sales occurring in the period(s). For this period-based analysis, orders must be actual.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the New Customer Sales Summary Report.

New Business (Orders Alt. Sales)

This indicator shows the dollar value of sales generated through sales orders by new customers, based on alternate sales amounts (ASA), during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the New Customer Sales Orders Summary Report.

New Business (Sales Orders)

This indicator shows the amount of sales generated through sales orders by new customers during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the New Customer Sales Orders Summary Report.

New Cases

This indicator shows the number of new cases created during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the New Cases Snapshot report.

New Customers

This indicator shows the number of customers whose first sales transactions closed in the selected period(s). For this period-based analysis, transactions must be actual.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the New Customer Sales Summary Report.

New Customers (Sales Orders)

This indicator shows the number of sales orders generated by customers with first sales transactions closing in the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the New Customer Sales Orders Summary Report.

New Issues

This indicator shows the total number of issues created within the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the New Issues Report.

New Leads

This indicator shows the total number of lead records created during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Lead Source Analysis Summary Report.

New Opportunities

This indicator shows the total number of new opportunities created during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open results of an opportunity search filtered for the selected date range.

New Visitors

This indicator shows the total number of first-time visitors your website has received during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the New Visitor Report.

Open Cases

This indicator shows the number of open cases as of the selected date(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Open Cases Snapshot report.

Open Estimates

This indicator shows the number of estimates that were open during the selected date range(s). Open estimates have a probability between 0% and 100%, and have not expired, been voided or have not been closed by an order or actual.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Estimates to Close Report.

Open Issues

This indicator shows the number of issues with a base status other than Closed as of the selected date(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Open Issues Summary Report report.

Open Opportunities

This indicator shows the number of open opportunities expected to close within the selected date range(s). Open opportunities have probabilities between 0 and 100%, and have not been converted to sales.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Opportunities to Close Detail Report.

Open Projects

This indicator shows the current number of open projects.

Click Current or total to open the Projects list filtered to show only open projects.

Open Prospects

This indicator shows the number of open prospects as of the selected date(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Open Prospects Snapshot report.

Open Quotes

This indicator shows the number of open quotes for the selected period.

Click this KPI to see the Quotes to Close report. For more information about quotes, see Quotes for Commerce Websites.

Operating Cash Flow

This indicator shows the change in cash position, excluding financing and investment activities, during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Cash Flow Statement Report.


If your Cash Flow Statement has been customized, the KPI amount may differ from the amount shown on the report.

Operating Expenses

This indicator shows the dollar value of operating expenses during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Income Statement Report.

Opportunities Lost

This indicator shows the number of opportunities marked lost in the selected date range(s). Lost opportunities have probabilities of 0%.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Opportunities Lost Report.

Opportunities Won

This indicator shows the number of opportunities that were won in the selected date range(s). This number includes opportunities converted to sales transactions and those with probabilities set to 100%.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Opportunities Won Report.


This indicator shows the number of approved sales orders placed in the selected date range and approved return authorizations.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Sales Orders by Customer Summary Report.

Other Assets

This indicator shows the total dollar value of assets other than current assets and fixed assets, for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Trial Balance Report.

Other Current Assets

This indicator shows the total dollar value of other current assets, meaning owned assets that are expected to be converted to cash within one year, for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Trial Balance Report.

Other Current Liabilities

This indicator shows the total dollar value of other current liabilities, meaning debts payable within one year, for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Trial Balance Report.

Overdue Balance

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only) This indicator shows the amount of the customer's current overdue balance.

Click Current or total to open the A/R Aging Detail Report.

Paid Commission

This indicator shows the total amount of commissions paid to employees during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Paid Employee Commission Summary Report.

Paid Partner Commission

This indicator shows the total amount of commissions paid to partners during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Paid Partner Commission Summary Report.


This indicator shows the total impact on A/P accounts during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the A/P Aging Summary Report.


This KPI assumes that vendor payments use the same class and department. If linked transactions use different classes and departments, the KPI may display incorrect balances.


This indicator shows the total earnings amount from paychecks or year-to-date adjustments within the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Payroll Summary Report.

Pipeline (Alt. Sales Projected)

This indicator shows the projected dollar value of open opportunities and open estimates, based on alternate sales amounts (ASA), expected to close within the selected date range(s). This summed value excludes the value of opportunities with estimates set to be included in the forecast.

This KPI can display a comparison of two different date ranges if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Alt. Sales Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Pipeline (Alt. Sales Weighted)

This indicator shows the weighted dollar value of open opportunities and open estimates, based on alternate sales amounts (ASA), expected to close within the selected date range(s). The weighted value is calculated by multiplying probability by projected total. This value excludes the value of opportunities with estimates set to be included in the forecast.

This KPI can display a comparison of two different date ranges if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Alt. Sales Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Pipeline (Projected)

This indicator shows the total value of open opportunities and open estimates expected to close within the selected date range(s). This value excludes the total of opportunities with estimates set to be included in the forecast.

This KPI can display a comparison of two different date ranges if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Pipeline (Weighted)

This indicator shows the weighted value of open opportunities and open estimates expected to close within the selected date range(s). This value excludes the total of opportunities with estimates set to be included in the forecast. The weighted value is calculated by multiplying probability times projected total.

This KPI can display a comparison of two different date ranges if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Pipeline Deals

This indicator shows the number of open opportunities and open estimates expected to close within the selected date range(s). This number excludes the number of opportunities with estimates set to be included in the forecast.

This KPI can display a comparison of two different date ranges if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.


This indicator shows the difference between your income and expenses during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Income Statement Report.


This indicator shows the sum of all top-level quotas to which you have access, for the selected date range(s). If an employee is assigned a personal quota and a team quota, only the team quota is included in the sum.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Billings Forecast vs. Quota Report.

Quota (Alt. Sales)

This indicator shows the sum of all top-level quotas to which you have access, based on alternate sales amounts (ASA), for the selected date range(s). If an employee is assigned both a personal quota and a team quota, only the team quota is included in the sum.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Alt. Sales Forecast vs. Quota Report.

Quota Reps

This indicator shows the number of sales reps that have been assigned quotas as of the selected date(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Quota Reps report.


This indicator shows the total impact on A/R accounts during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the A/R Aging Summary Report.


This indicator shows the total credits to income and expense accounts during the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Income Statement Report.


(This KPI is labeled Sales (Billings) on the Customer Dashboard.)

This indicator shows total paid or billed income and reimbursed expenses for customers during the selected period(s). It excludes the following transaction types: Journal, Deposit, Credit Card, Credit Card Refund, and Check.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Sales by Customer Summary Report.

Sales (Cash Basis)

This indicator shows total paid income and reimbursed expenses for customers during the selected period(s). It excludes the following transaction types: Journal, Deposit, Credit Card, Credit Card Refund, and Check. Income is only counted in this KPI if it has been paid. Sales are included based on the date of the payment.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Sales by Customer Summary – Cash Basis report.

See also Setting Up Cash Basis Reporting.

Sales (Orders)

This indicator shows the dollar value of sales generated through approved sales orders during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Sales Orders by Customer Summary Report.

Sales (Orders Alt. Sales)

This indicator shows the dollar value of sales generated through approved sales orders, based on alternate sales amounts (ASA), during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Sales Orders by Customer Summary Report.

Total Backlog (Projects)

This indicator shows the total number of budgeted hours left to complete all open projects.

Click Current or total to open the Current Backlog By Resource Report report.

Total Open Estimates

This indicator shows the number of estimates that were open as of the selected date(s). Open estimates have a probability between 0% and 100%, and have not been closed by an order or actual.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Total Open Estimates Report.

Total Open Opportunities

This indicator shows the number of opportunities that were open as of the selected date(s). Open opportunities have a probability between 0% and 100%, and have not been closed by an order or actual.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Total Open Opportunities Detail Report.

Total Open Quotes

This indicator shows the total number of open quotes for the selected period.

Click this KPI to see the Total Quotes report. For more information about quotes, see Quotes for Commerce Websites.

Total Orders (Count)

This indicator shows the number of sales orders placed during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Sales Order Register Report.

Total Pipeline (Alt. Sales Projected)

This indicator shows the total projected dollar value of open opportunities and open estimates based on alternate sales amounts (ASA), that are open as of today, or as of the other dates selected.

This KPI can display a comparison for two different dates if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Alt. Sales Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Total Pipeline (Alt. Sales Weighted)

This indicator shows the total weighted dollar value of open opportunities and open estimates, based on alternate sales amounts (ASA),that are open as of today, or as of the other dates selected. The weighted value is calculated by multiplying probability by projected total.

This KPI can display a comparison for two different dates if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Alt. Sales Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Total Pipeline (Projected)

This indicator shows the projected value of open opportunities and estimates, as of today, or as of the other dates selected. This value excludes the total of opportunities with estimates set to be included in the forecast.

This KPI can display a comparison for two different dates if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Total Pipeline (Weighted)

This indicator shows the weighted value of open opportunities and estimates, as of today, or as of the other dates selected. This value excludes the total of opportunities with estimates set to be included in the forecast. The weighted value is calculated by multiplying probability times projected total.

This KPI can display a comparison for two different dates if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The check for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Total Pipeline Deals

This indicator shows the total number of opportunities and estimates that are presently open, as of today, or as of the other dates selected.

This KPI can display a comparison for two different dates if you have enabled the Historical Metrics feature. The box for this feature is available under Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, in the Sales section of the CRM subtab.

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Total Sales (Orders)

This indicator shows the total dollar value of sales, through both approved and unapproved sales orders, during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Sales Order Register Report.

Unbilled Orders

(Available on the Customer Dashboard only) This indicator shows the total amount of the customer's orders that have been placed but not billed for the selected period(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Open Sales Orders Report.

Unique Visitors

This indicator shows the number of visitors your website has received during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Visitor Activity Summary Report.

Web Orders

This indicator shows a count of web orders placed during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Item Orders Report.

Web Revenue

This indicator shows the total credits to income and expense accounts from Web orders during the selected date range(s).

Web Site Hits

This indicator shows the number of pages your website has displayed during the selected date range(s).

Click this KPI's periods or totals to open the Page Hits Report.

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