Setup and Configuration


The following guidelines apply to users who use the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp to integrate NetSuite Planning and Budgeting or Planning and Budgeting Financials with NetSuite.

To integrate your Planning and Budgeting with NetSuite, you must have the Administrator or the NSEPM Implementer role to complete the following consecutive steps:

  1. Install the NetSuite EPM Connector SuiteApp and set it up for your Planning and Budgeting application. For information, see the following help topics:

  2. Install the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp.

    See Installing the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp.

  3. Enable and configure Planning and Budgeting Financials for your Planning and Budgeting application.

    See Creating the NetSuite Planning and Budgeting Application.

  4. Set up an integration user with proper permissions in NetSuite.

    See Setting Up the Integration User for Planning and Budgeting Sync.

  5. Create the default saved searches to load data and metadata from NetSuite to your Planning and Budgeting.

    See Managing the Planning and Budgeting Sync Saved Searches.

  6. Create default configurations for Planning and Budgeting Financials in your NetSuite account.

    See Setting Up Default Configurations for Planning and Budgeting Financials.

  7. Set up the connection from your Planning and Budgeting to NetSuite.

    See Setting Up Token-based Authentication for Planning and Budgeting Sync.

  8. Set up the connection from NetSuite to your Planning and Budgeting.

    See Setting Up the Connection to Planning and Budgeting.

  9. Schedule the required Planning and Budgeting Sync script deployments.

    See Scheduling Script Deployments for Planning and Budgeting Sync.

  10. Use a checklist of tasks to validate your Planning and Budgeting Sync setup.

    See Planning and Budgeting Sync Configuration Checklist.

  11. Enable the Planning and Budgeting Financials features in the newly created NetSuite Planning and Budgeting environment.

    See Enabling Planning and Budgeting Financials.

  12. Manually download the ZIP file containing default configurations for Data Exchange and upload it to your Planning and Budgeting Financials environment.

    See Downloading Planning and Budgeting Financials Integration Artifacts.

  13. To load data and metadata to your Planning and Budgeting application, manually run or schedule jobs in NetSuite.

    See the following help topics:

After completing the required integration steps, you can proceed with the following additional configuration steps:

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