Creating the NetSuite Planning and Budgeting Application

If you have the Planning and Budgeting environment provisioned on your Oracle account, you can create a new NetSuite Planning and Budgeting application. You can then configure the application for Planning and Budgeting Financials.


Before you start creating a new NetSuite Planning and Budgeting application, use the Administrator role to create and configure a new Oracle cloud environment. For instructions, see Oracle Application Cloud Provisioning guide.

To create a NetSuite Planning and Budgeting application:

  1. On the Planning and Budgeting landing page, click Select.

  2. Click Start under the Create a New Application section.

  3. On the Create Application: General page, in the Description field, enter a description to help you identify this application, for example, FIN_STD.

    The Name field is prefilled by default and cannot be edited.

  4. Click Next.

  5. On the Create Application: Details page, do the following:

    1. From the Start and End Year dropdown lists, select the appropriate start year and end year.

      For the start year, select the first year you intend to import. For the end year, select two to five years in the future.

    2. Under the Other Details section, do the following:

      1. For the Task Flow Type, choose one of the following to organize your workload:

        • Task List

        • EPM Task Manager


        The Task Flow Type options are mutually exclusive. For example, if you select the EPM Task Manager, you cannot use the Task List.

        For more information about task workflows, see the Oracle Help Center topic Working with Task Lists.

      2. From the Main Currency dropdown list, select the main currency.

        The Multicurrency box is checked by default and cannot be cleared.

      3. In the Name of Input Cube, enter a name for the input cube, for example, WorkForc.

      4. In the Name of Reporting Cube, enter a name for the reporting cube, for example, Report.

  6. Click Next.

  7. On the Create Application: Review page, review details selected or entered in the previous pages, and click Create.

  8. At the prompt to confirm the action, click OK.

    This logs you in the created NetSuite Planning and Budgeting application.

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