Enabling Planning and Budgeting Financials

To start using Planning and Budgeting Financials, enable the Planning and Budgeting Financials features in the newly created NetSuite Planning and Budgeting application.

To enable features for Planning and Budgeting Financials:

  1. In the created NetSuite Planning and Budgeting application, click the Navigator icon The Menu icon. Then, under Application, click Configuration.

  2. On the Configure: NSPB Financials page, click Enable Features.

  3. In the popup window, select the features you want to enable. You have the following options:

    1. NSPB Financials

    2. (Optional) Version Builder

      The Version Builder box becomes active only after checking the NSPB Financials box.

    For details about these features, see Planning and Budgeting Financials User Guide.

  4. (Optional) Under Map/Rename Dimensions, map and rename existing dimensions or enable custom dimensions:

    1. If you are renaming an existing base dimension, proceed to step 4b.

      If you are enabling a new custom dimension, check the active box next to the custom dimension in the Enable column. You can enable up to three custom dimensions.

    2. Click the Rename Target Dimension icon Rename Target Dimension icon next to the dimension.

    3. In the Rename field, enter a new name, and then click OK.

    4. Repeat steps 4a – 4c for each base dimension that you are renaming or custom dimension that you are enabling.


    You can only map and rename existing dimensions when you first enable the Planning and Budgeting Financials features. After you enable these features, you cannot return to the Enable Features window to map and rename dimensions.

    You can enable custom dimensions when you first enable the Planning and Budgeting Financials features and any time after you enable these features.

  5. To enable the selected features, click Enable.

  6. Click Yes to confirm your selection, or No to return to the configuration setup.


    After you click Yes to enable the selected features, you cannot disable them.

  7. If a popup window confirms that the selected features were successfully enabled, click OK to complete the action.

  8. To start using this default Planning and Budgeting Financials configuration, sign out of your Planning and Budgeting account. Then, sign in again.

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