Setting Up Default Configurations for Planning and Budgeting Financials
Planning and Budgeting Sync lets you configure the following Planning and Budgeting Financials features in your NetSuite account:
Substitution Variables
This configuration populates default sets of categories and descriptions for the Planning and Budgeting Financials substitution variables in your NetSuite account. It also enables automatic update of values for these substitution variables, as described in the help topic Enabling Automatic Update of Substitution Variables Values in Planning and Budgeting Sync.
Note:Read the following details about the Planning and Budgeting Financials substitution variables:
The Substitution Variables default configuration does not set up values for the Planning and Budgeting Financials substitution variables. For information about setting up values for the Planning and Budgeting Financials substitution variables, see Setting Up Values for Substitution and User Variables.
The Planning and Budgeting Financials substitution variables values are stored in your Planning and Budgeting. NetSuite does not store these values.
For more information about the Planning and Budgeting Financials substitution variables in NetSuite, see Substitution Variables in Planning and Budgeting Sync.
Account Balance Portlet
This configuration creates a default setup for the Planning and Budgeting Account Balance portlet.
For general information and additional setup, see Planning and Budgeting Account Balance Portlet.
Default Jobs
This configuration adds the following batch jobs to your NetSuite account:
This batch job loads metadata to your Planning and Budgeting Financials.
This batch job loads data to your Planning and Budgeting Financials.
This batch job loads beginning balance data to your Planning and Budgeting Financials.
This batch job loads metadata, beginning balance data, and transaction data to your Planning and Budgeting Financials.
For general information and additional setup, see Batch Job in Planning and Budgeting Sync and Managing Jobs in Planning and Budgeting Sync.
Account Type Mappings
This configuration creates default mappings of account types in NetSuite to account types in your Planning and Budgeting.
Important:Before you set up and submit this configuration as described in the following procedure, make sure the NetSuite user's preferred language is set to English. For instructions on setting up the NetSuite user's preferred language, see Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite User Interface.
For general information and additional setup, see Account Type Mapping.
To set up a default configuration for Planning and Budgeting Financials:
In NetSuite, go to NetSuite EPM > Planning and Budgeting > Configuration Checklist.
The page displays features you can configure for Planning and Budgeting in your NetSuite account.
For The NSPB Financials configurations are set, click View.
This displays a page where you can configure Planning and Budgeting Financials features.
For the feature of your choice, do any of the following:
To create a default configuration for the feature, check the Configure box.
To restore the feature configuration to default values, check the Overwrite Existing Values box.
Note:Read the following details about the default configurations setup:
Upon the initial default configurations setup, make sure you check the Configure boxes for all the listed default configurations.
You can check the Overwrite Existing Values box only after you have checked the Configure box.
Click Submit.
Related Topics
- Planning and Budgeting Sync Installation and Setup
- Required Features for Installing the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp
- Installing the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp
- Role Permissions for Planning and Budgeting Sync Users
- Setting Up the Integration User for Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Setting Up Token-based Authentication for Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Setting Up the Connection to Planning and Budgeting
- Scheduling Script Deployments for Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Planning and Budgeting Sync Configuration Checklist
- Saved Searches for Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Managing the Planning and Budgeting Sync Saved Searches
- Saved Search Settings in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Metadata Export in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Account Metadata Hierarchy in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Using SuiteAnalytics Datasets with Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Managing Jobs in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Substitution Variables in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Forms and Dashboards in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Import/Export Configuration
- Integration Artifacts
- Planning and Budgeting Sync Portlets