Setting Up a File Encryption Password for NetSuite EPM Connector
You must use the Administrator or NSEPM Implementer role to create a password for encryption of CSV files that are sent to Data Exchange. The password must comply with the following password requirements:
Has exactly 16, 24, or 32 characters
Contains one or a combination of the following character types:
Upper-case alpha characters (A, B, ... Z)
Lower-case alpha characters (a, b, ... z)
Numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0)
Non-alphanumeric ASCII characters, for example !@#$%^&*.:;-'`”/\+?_|=()[]{}<>
To set or change the file encryption password:
In NetSuite, go to NetSuite EPM > EPM Connector > File Encryption Password.
Enter a new password.
Click Save.
Related Topics
- NetSuite EPM Connector Installation and Setup
- Required Features for Installing NetSuite EPM Connector
- Installing the NetSuite EPM Connector SuiteApp
- Role Permissions for NetSuite EPM Connector
- Scheduling the Script Deployment for NetSuite EPM Connector
- Search Activity Logs
- Resetting the Search Request Load
- Data Source Allowlist
- Configuring External Connections
- NetSuite EPM Access Portlet