Downloading Planning and Budgeting Financials Integration Artifacts
The integration artifacts for your Planning and Budgeting Financials are included in The artifacts contain all the default configurations for Data Exchange to load the saved searches you created in NetSuite. See Creating a Planning and Budgeting Sync Saved Search.
You need to download the integration artifacts from NetSuite, and import them to your Planning and Budgeting Financials.
In Planning and Budgeting, the integration artifacts are called Lifecycle Management (LCM) imports.
Before downloading and importing the integration artifacts, read the following guidelines:
The default setup is only compatible with Planning and Budgeting Financials. To make the integration artifacts compatible with other NetSuite Planning and Budgeting editions, change the default values to match the corresponding values in Planning and Budgeting.
Any updates to the saved searches provided for Planning and Budgeting Financials with this SuiteApp may require corresponding updates in Data Exchange.
The downloaded ZIP file does not contain configurations for Data Exchange to load demand forecasting saved searches. For a list of the saved searches, see the NSPB Financials – Demand Forecasting Saved Searches group in the help topic Saved Searches for Planning and Budgeting Sync.
The ZIP file is not automatically updated in Planning and Budgeting Financials with new releases of the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp. To update the ZIP file, download it and re-upload it to your Planning and Budgeting Financials, or configure Data Exchange manually.
Before importing the integration artifacts to your Planning and Budgeting Financials, you need to enable Planning and Budgeting Financials. For information, see Enabling Planning and Budgeting Financials.
To download and import the integration artifacts:
In NetSuite, go to NetSuite EPM > Planning and Budgeting > Integration Artifacts.
Click the Packages subtab.
Click the Download button to save the configuration package of your choice to disk.
In your Planning and Budgeting Financials application, click the Navigator icon
, and select Migration.
Click the Snapshots tab.
Click Upload to locate the ZIP file on your disk.
Select the ZIP file, and click Open. Then, click Upload.
If a popup window confirms that the file has been successfully uploaded, click OK to complete the upload process.
For the uploaded file, in the Actions column, click the ellipsis icon
. Then, click Import.
Click OK to proceed with the import.
In the Migration Status Report window, refresh and review the migration progress until it completes. Then, close the window.
To see the list of the artifacts you have imported, click the Navigator icon
, and select Data Exchange.