Data Source Allowlist

If you want to use NetSuite searches in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Cloud products, you can place prefixes of the search IDs on an allowlist.

To place a search on an allowlist:

  1. In NetSuite, go to NetSuite EPM > EPM Connector > Data Source Allowlist.

  2. From the EPM Product list, select the Oracle EPM Cloud product for which you want to create the allowlist. The available options include the following:

    • Account Reconciliation for searches you want to use in NetSuite Account Reconciliation

    • Close Management and Consolidation for searches you want to use in Financial Consolidation and Close

    • Planning and Budgeting for searches you want to use in NetSuite Planning and Budgeting

    • Profitability and Cost Management for searches you want to use in Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management

    • Tax Reporting for searches you want to use in Tax Reporting

    • All EPM Products for searches you want to use in any Oracle EPM Cloud product

  3. In the List of ID Prefixes field, enter the prefixes of search IDs that your Oracle EPM Cloud product should acknowledge, separated with commas:

    • To use the predefined saved searches for NetSuite Account Reconciliation, the prefixes should begin with customsearch_nsar_.

    • To use the predefined searches for Financial Consolidation and Close, the prefixes should begin with:

      • customsearch_nsfc_ for saved searches

      • custdataset_nsfc_ for datasets

    • To use the predefined searches for NetSuite Planning and Budgeting, the prefixes should begin with:

      • customsearch_nspb_ for saved searches

      • custdataset_nspb_ for datasets

    • To use searches other than the predefined ones, add your custom prefixes that the Oracle EPM Cloud product should acknowledge.

  4. When you finish, click Submit.

All searches the IDs of which begin with these prefixes will be available in Data Exchange. If you change the list of these prefixes in NetSuite after executing the searches from Data Exchange, your changes might prevent successful execution of data load jobs. To reflect the changes in Data Exchange, you have to make corresponding updates in Data Exchange.

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