Planning and Budgeting Sync Portlets
You can access several Planning and Budgeting Sync portlets in NetSuite:
To check the current status of your Planning and Budgeting Sync configuration, or to set it up quickly, you can use the Planning and Budgeting Sync Checklist Portlet.
For monthly maintenance of your NetSuite account, you can use the following Planning and Budgeting Sync portlets:
Tip:Best practices for doing the monthly maintenance on your NetSuite account:
Check the Planning and Budgeting Substitution Variables Portlet to make sure that all the substitution variables in your Planning and Budgeting are up to date.
Run a job from the Job Execution Portlet.
Watch the progress of the job execution in the corresponding Execution Logs portlet. See Execution Logs Portlets.
Click the Refresh icon on the Planning and Budgeting Account Balance Portlet to upload the account balance from your Planning and Budgeting.
On your home page, you can access the Planning and Budgeting Form/Dashboard Portlet portlet.
For information about how you can add or access the portlets, see the following help topics:
Related Topics
- Planning and Budgeting Sync Installation and Setup
- Required Features for Installing the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp
- Installing the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp
- Role Permissions for Planning and Budgeting Sync Users
- Setting Up the Integration User for Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Setting Up Token-based Authentication for Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Setting Up the Connection to Planning and Budgeting
- Scheduling Script Deployments for Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Planning and Budgeting Sync Configuration Checklist
- Saved Searches for Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Managing the Planning and Budgeting Sync Saved Searches
- Saved Search Settings in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Metadata Export in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Account Metadata Hierarchy in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Using SuiteAnalytics Datasets with Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Managing Jobs in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Substitution Variables in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Forms and Dashboards in Planning and Budgeting Sync
- Import/Export Configuration
- Integration Artifacts