Forecast by Sales Rep Detail Report

The Forecast by Sales Rep Detail report lists each sales rep's forecast for the period you define in the footer of the report. The weighted and calculated forecast amounts are shown for each transaction in each sales rep's forecast.

The calculated forecast is determined by the sum of the following:

The weighted forecast is the product of a transaction's probability and its projected amount. The projected amount is the total of the items on the transactions.

To view the Forecast by Sales Rep Detail report:

Go to Forecast > Reports > Forecast by Sales Rep > Detail.

A popup message appears in the middle of your screen indicating that your report is loading. You can click Cancel next to the status bar to stop the report from loading. Reports can take some time to load. If you would like to work on something else while your report loads, click Alert me when ready at the bottom of the message. You will receive an email with a link to the report when it is ready for viewing.

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