Sales Forecasting

One of the most important requirements for the success of your business is to be able to predict sales. How you compile and calculate sales forecasts can impact all aspects of your business, from production to inventory and from cost to revenue. All of the up-to-the-minute information you need to make sound business decisions is a few clicks away.


If you are a sales rep, refer to A Sales Person’s Guide to Forecasting. This topic explains how to use the NetSuite forecasting tool.

NetSuite provides a flexible forecasting tool that you can configure according to your business' forecasting needs:

Using NetSuite Sales Forecasting

The following roles use sales forecasting:

Forecast Reporting

NetSuite provides extensive Forecast Reports to enable you to manage and report your forecasting data. NetSuite provides the following types of forecasting reports:

Working With Forecasting

To get started using forecasting:

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General Notices