U.S. Help Topics


The following help topics provide information about NetSuite features that are specific for companies doing business in U.S. The NetSuite International Edition can be configured with capabilities and reports specific to U.S. business setting and requirements.

To know more about localized editions of NetSuite, as well as setting up NetSuite accounts and subsidiaries, refer to the following help topics:

Please note that general NetSuite features are covered in other chapters and topics.

General Setup

United States Account Setup: Provides an overview of NetSuite features to be enabled by the user in U.S. and SuiteApps available for installation.

Setting Up United States-Specific Preferences Page: Set up your NetSuite company and user preferences for U.S., including date, currency, language, time zone, and support for U.S. number, phone, and address format.

Functional Areas

Users in United States can activate and get access to different features from the following functional areas:

To learn more about SuiteApps installation, see Installing a Bundle.

To learn more about enabling NetSuite features, see Enabling Features.


If you do not have sufficient permissions to install SuiteApps or enable features, please contact your account administrator.

Taxation Features For Accounts with SuiteTax

The following table describes taxation features in USA. These features are for accounts with SuiteTax. For more information, see SuiteTax.




Setting Up Nexuses in SuiteTax

Guides you through the process of setting up nexuses.

Your NetSuite account administrator must submit a SuiteTax enablement request and enable the SuiteTax feature in your NetSuite account. See Enabling the SuiteTax Feature.

Install the following SuiteApps:

Automatic Tax Records Provisioning for the United States

Creates tax records when you select SuiteTax as your tax engine.

SuiteTax enables you to use different tax engines per nexus. To begin provisioning your tax records, assign a tax registration to the subsidiary or company in SuiteTax.

Setting Up Tax Groups in SuiteTax Engine

Guides you through the process of setting up tax groups.

Setting Up Tax Rate Types for the United States

Tax rate types are automatically provisioned by the SuiteTax Engine. For tax codes created outside of automatic provisioning, the tax rate type must be set during tax code creation.

Setting Up Nexus Preferences for United States

In the SuiteTax Engine, you are able to set nexus preferences that determine the SuiteTax Engine's behavior when calculating taxes.

Setting Up Entity Default Tax Codes and Tax Groups

Entity tax codes or tax groups are optional, and only required if you want to use a specific tax code or tax group for a customer or vendor.

Roles and Permissions for the SuiteTax Engine

The SuiteTax Engine supports assigning access, permissions, and permission levels to roles in NetSuite.

Creating Exemption Certificates

The SuiteTax Engine provides support for tracking the tax exemptions allowed by respective US states.

Creating Non–taxability Rules for Items

The SuiteTax Engine gives you the option to create a list of items that are generally non–taxable in a specific nexus. Item non–taxability rules are considered for tax determination.

Tax Code Lookup Logic for United States

For each sales transaction, the SuiteTax Engine determines what tax code and rate to use for each item and calculates the tax amounts.

U.S. Sales Tax Reports

The US Sales Tax Reports SuiteApp includes reports that enable users to view the taxes they must pay on all of their sales transactions.

Taxation Features For Accounts without SuiteTax

The following table describes taxation features in USA. These features are for accounts without SuiteTax.



Creating Tax Codes -U.S. Nexus

Provides information about how to create a tax code.

Setting U.S. Tax Preferences

Describes how to set up U.S. Tax preferences.

Creating a Tax Group (United States)

Provide information about specific tax topics.

Importing the State Sales Tax Table

Enabling U.S. Tax Lookup

Taxing Previous-Year Sales with State Tax Codes -U.S. Edition

Applying Sales Tax to Discount Items (U.S. and Canada)

Discount Methods (U.S. and Canada)

U.S. Tax Reports

Paying Sales Tax -United States





U.S. Payment Formats

Provides information about the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp and its supported payment formats specific to U.S., including steps on setting up bank records for your company, partners, vendors, customers, and employees in U.S.

Install Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp. For more information, see Setting Up Electronic Bank Payments.

Importing Electronic Bank Payments Data

Provides information about how to transfer electronic bank payments data such as entity bank details (vendors, employees, customers) to NetSuite.

Order Management




U.S. Postal Service®/Endicia®

Provides information about shipping and instruction on how to use U.S. Postal Service.

For more information, see Setting Up Shipping.

Related Topics:

General Notices