Setting Up Shipping

To set up shipping, complete the following tasks:

Setting Shipping Preferences

After you setting your shipping preferences and register any integrated UPS, FedEx, or U.S. Postal Service®(USPS) accounts, you can then create the shipping methods you want to offer. To learn more, see Creating Shipping Items.

To set up shipping:

  1. To define how to charge for shipping, go to Setup > Accounting > Shipping.

  2. To automatically charge for shipping orders, check the Charge for Shipping box.

    If you do not check this box, and want to charge for shipping on sales transactions, create a separate line item on the transaction.

    To learn more, see Creating Shipping Items.

  3. To charge handling separately from shipping, check the Charge Handling Separate from Shipping and Charge for Shipping boxes.

    This enables you to assign shipping and handling charges to different accounts.

    Checking these boxes when creating a shipping item displays a Handling Rate subtab. Shipping and handling will appear as separate charges in the Checkout Summary page of your web site.

  4. Select the Default Shipping Carrier that will appear on sales and website orders.


    Before selecting your default carrier, set up your FedEx, UPS, or USPS accounts on the Carrier Registration Subtab.

    To learn more, see Selecting a Default Shipping Carrier.

  5. Select the Default Shipping Method to use for sending sales orders and invoices.

  6. If you use Pick, Pack, and Ship, select the default sales order process Default Item Fulfillment Stage status.

  7. If you use Shipping Label Integration to print labels and track packages, select the earliest Pick, Pack, and Ship Shipping Label Creation Stage you can receive tracking numbers and print shipping labels.

    This can be different than the Default Item Fulfillment Stage selection.

    For example, to mark fulfilled sales orders Shipped, change part of your inventory fulfillment status to Picked, get tracking numbers, and then print shipping labels. Set the Shipping Label Creation stage to Picked.

  8. If an item weight is not recorded, enter a default shipping weight in the Default Item Weight in Lbs field.

    If no weight is entered, NetSuite defaults to 1 lb.

    If you charge shipping by weight or use real time rates, item weight helps determine shipping costs.

  9. Enter the average Number of Days to Shipment between the date a sales order is entered and the date the order is shipped.

    This value helps create an estimated ship date on sales orders. The ship date is updated after the order is fulfilled.

    By default, the ship date excludes weekends and holidays. Holiday dates can be set on the Preferences subtab.

  10. Enter the time of day when orders stop being shipped in the Cutoff Time for Shipments field.


    Time format will be reformatted according to the current settings for time format. For example, it can be 23:00 or 12–00 PM.

    Orders entered after this time, are counted on the next working day.

  11. To include Saturday or Sunday in the days to shipment calculation, check the Ship on Saturday or the Ship on Sunday box.

    For example, if you ship on Saturday and have a three-day shipment policy, orders placed before Friday’s cutoff will be shipped on Tuesday.

Carrier Registration Subtab

To use real-time rates or to use the Shipping Label Integration feature, register a UPS®, FedEx®, or U.S. Postal Service®(USPS) account on the Carrier Registration subtab.


NetSuite and NetSuite OneWorld support integration with USPS. NetSuite, NetSuite OneWorld, and NetSuite Canada edition support integration with FedEx.

Related Items:

Preferences Subtab

Entering information in the Preferences subtab can help to generate forms, such as a Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) and NAFTA Certificate of Origin.

To complete Carrier Basics:

  1. To enable the International subtab for Shipping Label Integration and shipping items internationally using UPS or FedEx, check the International Shipping box.

  2. To enable restricted material shipping when using FedEx shipping integration, check the HazMat/Dangerous Goods Shipping box.

    To learn more, see Shipping Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Materials.

  3. To insure packages by default, check the Insure Packages box.

    You can override this option on item fulfillments.

  4. To not expose your account number on shipping labels, check the Mask Account Number on Labels box.

To complete rates:

  1. Select the FedEx Rates Type to display and charge customers:

    • Negotiated Rates represent the rate FedEx charges shipments.

    • List Rates are generic list rates. FedEx still charges the negotiated rates.

  2. To mark customer addresses as residential by default, check the Residential Address for Shipping box.

    If you do not check this box, FedEx and UPS will treat customer addresses as business addresses.

    You can also designate residential addresses on individual customer records and sales orders. This information helps return accurate shipping rates from UPS and FedEx. Residential addresses may incur higher shipping rates.

    USPS charges the same shipping rates for both residential and business addresses.

  3. Select the UPS Rates Types to display and charge customers.

To complete Third Party Billing:

  1. If you use Shipping Label Integration and want to bill integrated shipping charges to other FedEx or UPS accounts, check the Third Party Billing box.

    For example, if your company has a production account, each location can bill the production account as a third party. You can also choose to bill a customer or distributor's UPS or FedEx account.

    Checking this box enables third party account fields on the company information page, customer records, and item fulfillments.

  2. To remove shipping charges on orders where third party shipping is used, check the Do Not Charge Shipping on Third Party Billing Orders box.

    This prevents the customer from being charged twice for shipping.

  3. To remove handling charges on orders where third party shipping is used, check the Do Not Charge Handling on Third Party Billing Orders box.

  4. For international shipments, select a Fedex Duty Payment Type:

    • None Selected -FedEx bills your account

    • Recipient -FedEx bills the recipient

      When fulfilling the order, enter the recipient's FedEx account number on the Shipping subtab

    • Third Party -FedEx bills a third party

      When fulfilling the order, enter the account number to bill on the Shipping subtab.

    If you have enabled the integrated shipping labels feature, specify the type of packaging you most frequently use with FedEx, UPS and USPS services in the Default Package Type section.

To complete Default Package Type:

  1. Select a Fedex Packaging type.

    If you select Your Packaging, select the packaging type in the FedEx Admissibility Package Type field.

  2. Select the type of Fedex One Rate Packaging you use most often.

  3. Select an item fulfillment default UPS Packaging type.

  4. Select an item fulfillment default USPS Packaging type.

To complete References Fields:

  1. Select additional information to include on packages to help with package tracking from Reference #1.

    This information is copied to the order fulfillments reference fields packages subtab. This information is included on all multiple package orders.

  2. UPS and USPS support more information in the Reference #2.

    If you select Item Name, the name of the first item on the order is used.

To complete Address Validation:

  1. To validate the delivery address when fulfilling orders, check the FedEx Address Validation and UPS Address Validation boxes.

    Only shipping addresses are validated. Return shipping addresses are not validated.

    UPS validates in the United States and Puerto Rico only. FedEx also validates addresses in Canada.

  2. If you completed the Number of Days to Shipment field, enter the holiday dates you don’t ship in the Holiday Date column.

  3. Enter a holiday Description.

    These holidays are skipped when calculating the ship date for orders. New holiday dates should be entered each year.

  4. Click Add.

Packages Subtab

If you use Shipping Label Integration, you can create package types to capture the shipping information for the packaging you use most often. A package type defines the dimensions (measurements), the weight, and the maximum number of items that can be shipped in a package. You can create a package type on the Packages subtab and then assign it on item records to automatically enter the package details when shipping the item.

To enable shipping label integration:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

  2. Click the Transactions subtab.

  3. In the Shipping & Receiving section, check the Shipping Label Integration box.

  4. Click Save.

To set up a package type:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Shipping.

    If you use Pick, Pack, and Ship, you can set your Default Item Fulfillment Integration Stage to Packed or Shipped.

    If your integration stage is Picked, packages are not automatically created based on your items and package types.

  2. In the Packages subtab, enter a package Name.

    For example, eBay Package or Largest Box.

  3. Enter the package Length measurement in inches.

  4. Enter the package Width measurement in inches.

  5. Enter the package Height measurement in inches.

  6. If the package Weight is the same every time, enter the weight in pounds.

  7. Enter the highest number of items that would ship in this type of package in the Maximum Items column.

    When an item is selected for this package type and the order quantity is greater than one, or other items will be included in this package type, the maximum number of items is included in one package.

    For example, speaker sets and keyboards use a medium box. The maximum number of items set is three (3). When an order is created for two speaker sets and one keyboard, they are placed into one medium box.

    If an item always ships in its own package with no other items, do not enter a separate package for that item. Enter the default package type, and then check the Ships Individually box on the item record.


    If you do not enter a maximum number of items, the package type maximum number of items is assumed to be unlimited until the total weight is equal to or greater than 150 lbs.

  8. To designate the default package type for all items that do not have a package type defined, check the Default box.

  9. Click Add.

    Repeat these steps for each type of package you ship.

  10. Click Submit.

After you set up your most-used packages, set packages for an item on the Basics subtab of each item record.

When an item is selected on an order, the item package type is automatically selected in the Your Packaging field on the packages subtab of the fulfillment. The number of packages is calculated based on the number of items on the order and the number of items allowed in each package type.

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General Notices