Awards with Pre-configured Wage Agreements

Refer to the following table for the awards with preconfigured wage agreements.

Industry or Occupation Award

Related Topic

Fast Food Industry Award [MA000003]

Fast Food Industry Award [MA000003]

General Retail Industry Award [MA000004]

General Retail Industry Award [MA000004]

Hospitality Industry (General) Award [MA000009]

Hospitality Industry (General) Award [MA000009]

Restaurant Industry Award [MA000119]

Restaurant Industry Award [MA000119]


Oracle NetSuite provides wage rules as a convenience for customers. Nothing in the above is legal advice. Oracle NetSuite does not warrant the reliability, accuracy, legal compliance, completeness, correctness, or usefulness of its rules or configurations.

You must verify if the wage rules and other preconfigured rules provide the correct pay to your employees in compliance with any applicable local or federal labor laws. Please consult with your own attorney or expert on the appropriate rules to use in your business or industry in all jurisdictions in which you operate.

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