Wage Agreements for Australia and New Zealand

Wage agreements allow you to define rules that are used to calculate wage costs according to a range of calculation methods.

Wage agreements allow you to define when wage costs, such as regular rate, penalty rates, overtime, and public holidays are applied to scheduled and worked hours.

The Wage Agreement page is used to build wage conditions and rules for awards, enterprise agreements, or both.

You can also configure wage agreements for specific states or territories in the country where the agreement is available.

To understand what makes up wage agreements in Australia and New Zealand, see Structure of a Wage Agreement.

Preconfigured wage agreements are also available for specific industry awards that cover employee work in Australia. For more information, see the help topics:

Accessing Wage Agreements

Follow the procedure.

To access wage agreements:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Go to Setup > Wage.

    A list of the available wage agreements appears.

  3. Click the agreement you want to view.

Setting up a Wage Agreement

Follow the procedures on the table for guidance on setting up a wage agreement.


Related Topic

1. Create a wage agreement.

Creating a Wage Agreement

2. Create new or update existing conditions.

Managing Conditions and Rules

3. Set up fixed rates.

Setting up an Allowance

Setting up a Penalty

4. Create classifications.

Creating a Classification

5. Set up minimum hours.

Setting up Minimum Hours

6. Create a new revision.

Creating a Revision

7. (Optional) Link work agreements.

Cross-Agreement Linking

For more information about wage agreements that cover specifications and coverage of industry awards in Australia, see Pre-configured Wage Agreements.

Related Topics

General Notices