Restaurant Industry Award [MA000119]

After you activate and review the configurations of the Restaurant Industry Award [MA000119] preconfigured agreement, it is available to be assigned to employee wages.

The agreement covers employees in the restaurant industry and those who fit within the classifications of the award.

For more information about the full coverage and classification descriptions of the Restaurant Industry Award, go to the Fair Work Ombudsman website.

Restaurant Industry Award Classifications

Refer to the following table for the default classification settings of the preconfigured agreement.



Employment Status


Level 0

Full-time and Part-time


Level 0


Level 1

Level 1


Level 1

Level 1

Full-time and Part-time

Level 2

Level 2


Level 2

Level 2

Full-time and Part-time

Level 3

Level 3


Level 3

Level 3

Full-time and Part-time

Level 4

Level 4

Full-time and Part-time

Level 4

Level 4


Level 5

Level 5

Full-time and Part-time

Level 5

Level 5


Level 6

Level 6


Level 6

Level 6

Full-time and Part-time

Restaurant Industry Award Conditions

Refer to the following table for the default conditions of the preconfigured agreement.



Employment Status

Regular Hours (Regular Rate)

Every day

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

10 p.m. – Midnight (Penalty Rate)

Every weekday between 10 p.m. and midnight

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Midnight – 6 a.m. (Penalty Rate)

Every weekday between midnight and 6 a.m.

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Saturday (Penalty Rate)

Every Saturday

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Sunday (Penalty Rate)

Every Sunday

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Public Holiday (Penalty Rate)

Every day that is a public holiday

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Standard Overtime (Overtime Rate)

  • Every day when during the day time worked exceeds 11.5 hours

  • Every day when during the week time worked exceeds 38 hours

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Spread of Hours (Overtime Rate)

Every day when the spread of time worked on a single days exceeds 12 hours

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Overtime -Sat (Overtime Rate)

  • Every Saturday when during the day time worked exceeds 11.5 hours

  • Every Saturday when during the week time worked exceeds 38 hours

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Delayed meal break (Overtime Rate)

Every day when during the time worked since last break time worked exceeds 6 hours

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Break since Overtime (Overtime Rate)

Every day when the last shift worked any time matching one of Standard Overtime, Time between shifts, Spread of Hours, Overtime -Sat, Delayed meal break is worked where there has not been a clear break of 8 hours since the previous day

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Extended Overtime (Overtime Rate)

  • Every day when during the shift time matching one of Standard Overtime, Time between shifts, Spread of Hours, Overtime -Sat, Delayed meal break, Break since Overtime worked exceeds 2 hours

  • Every day when during the day time worked exceeds 13.5 hours

  • Every day when during the week time worked exceeds 40 hours

  • Every Sunday when during the day time worked exceeds 11.5 hours

  • Every Sunday when during the week time worked exceeds 38 hours

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Break since Extended Overtime (Overtime Rate)

Every day when during the last shift worked any time matching the condition "Extended Overtime" is worked where there has not been a clear break of 8 hours since the previous day

Casual, Part-time, and Full-time

Time between shifts (Overtime Rate)

Every day where there has not been a clear break of 10 hours since the previous day

Part-time and Full-time

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