Using Pre-configured Wage Agreements

To opt in to using preconfigured wage agreements, follow the procedure.

To use pre-configured wage agreements:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Activate the preconfigured agreements.

    1. Go to Setup > Wage.

    2. On the upper right corner, check the Include inactive agreements box.

      Inactive agreements appear on the list of available agreements.


      If preconfigured wage agreements do not appear after you click the box, please contact NetSuite Customer Support.

    3. Locate the agreements that correspond to your employee needs.

    4. For each agreement, click +Use this agreement.

  3. Click and review the configurations of each agreement.

  4. For each pre-configured agreement, link payroll items to WFM.

    1. Go to Setup > NetSuite Integration > Agreements.

    2. On the Link objects to Payrollitems page, on the Conditions subtab, locate the agreement and conditions with items you need to link to WFM.

    3. For each condition, select the payroll item you want to link. Click Link.

    4. For each subtab, repeat steps 4b and 4c.


    For classifications, you generally need to select the latest revision date. Link all applicable payroll items to conditions in different age ranges and levels.

  5. Assign the agreements to employees.

    1. Go to Setup > Employees > List.

    2. Click the employee who must be assigned to a pre-configured agreement.

    3. Click the name of the employee.

    4. On the employee profile, on the left-hand panel, click Wages.

    5. On the Wages page, click Edit wage.

      The Edit wage window for the employee opens.

    6. On the Cost calculations/rates section, from the Calculation type list, select Agreement.

    7. From the Classification list, locate the pre-configured agreement.

    8. Click the classification that applies to the employee.

    9. Click Save.

When a pre-configured agreement is revised, its conditions are updated and applied to the exported data. You will, however, need to link allowances, penalties, and multipliers to payroll items again.

If you want to automatically link these payroll items to new agreement revisions, switch this WFM setting on. See Linking New Revisions to Pre-Configured Wage Agreements.

General Notices