People Manager Onboarding

As a people manager, WFM helps you get staff schedules, keeps your labor requirements under control and within target, and manages staff communications.

When you first log in, you'll be taken to a list of employees.

Below we'll run through a series of steps so you can create and manage your employee schedules efficiently.

Reviewing Employee Jobs and Availability

The employee list contains all employees available to work at locations.

Clicking on each employee will show their employee profile.

In the employee profile, focus on the Jobs and Availability tabs.

  • Jobs- Here you can review the list of jobs the employee is eligible to work. If there are no jobs listed, you can add a new job. When you are creating shifts, you may have certain job roles you would like to add - a common example is setting up a Supervisor shift. Note that any jobs available at the locations set for the employee will appear.

    For more information, see Jobs


  • Availability- When you create new schedules, employees will appear either as available or not. To learn more, see WFM Employee Availability.

    If you give staff access to log in, they are able to set their availability and you can be notified of any requests they make.

    To receive availability requests or to make changes to employee availability, read Approvals.

If you have missing employees in the list, you can add them. For more information, see , Adding New WFM Employees.

Managing Shifts

Under Workforce Management, go to the Shifts menu to manage shifts.

  • Daily - allows you to schedule shifts and publish them.

    For more information, see Scheduling in Workforce Management - Daily

  • Weekly - allows you to review and approve shifts including any exceptions.

    For more information, see Weekly.

  • Multi-Location - similar to Weekly, this has an interface that allows you to view shifts across multiple locations you manage.

    For more information, see Multi-location.

  • Forecasting - allows you to add and tweak sales projections to inform future schedules.

    For more information, see Forecasting.

Creating, Managing, and Publishing Schedules

Here is a short video that shows how to start scheduling:

Scheduling from the daily view - quick start tips

For more information, read the following help topics

Duplicating and Optimizing Schedules

You can duplicate schedules on a daily or weekly basis. Typically, you will duplicate a previous schedule forward and make optimizations to the copied shifts based on your sales forecast.

For more information, see Copy and paste shifts.

Here is a video showing how you might optimize your schedules:

Optimize your schedule using your sales forecast with labor deployment model

For more information, see Managing Workforce Management Shifts.

Reviewing Time and Attendance and Approving Exceptions

Everyday, you should check Shifts > Weekly to review the day's shifts.

If you have time and attendance set up, times will be feeding in and appear under each employee's scheduled shifts. If you do not have time and attendance set up, you can still approve & make changes to scheduled shifts.

Any extra shifts can be added, or time and attendance approved with notes added.

For more information, see Weekly, Updating hours worked and Automatch.

Here is video showing how to approve time:

Approval of hours worked

Short Videos: Phone App, Fill-ins, Swapping, Dropping and Approving Shifts

The following videos demonstrate some other tasks you can do in Workforce Management.

Phone App Navigation

Familiarize yourself with the Workforce Management Phone App (also known as Adi Phone App). Learn how to view your shifts, trades and notifications.

Phone app navigation

For more information, see SuitePeople Workforce Management Phone App.

Swapping Shifts

Employees can agree to swap shifts with manager approval.

If enabled in your account, learn how employees can swap shifts with one another. See the workflow from employee to manager, ending in the manager reviewing the potential cost differences and approving the swap.

Swap Shift

Alternatively,a manager can also deny the swap request. The employee is notified and can choose to pick up a different shift in return. This will again send the new swap request to the manager for approval.

Deny Swap

Fill Shift

In instances where an employee can't make their shift or doesn't show up, use WFM or the Phone App to quickly find a fill-in. The manager can initiate a fill shift, taking cost differences into consideration to make the best informed decision.

Find a shift Fill-in

For more information, see Filling Shifts.

Drop Shift

An employee can initiates a drop request and another employee picks up the shift with manager approval.

If enabled in your account, learn how employees can initiate a drop request from the Phone App if they are unable to make their shift.


This video is shown with Drop Pre-Approval turned on. Turning off Pre-Approval will take out the initial Manager approval. Meaning, when a Staff Drops their Shift it will automatically send a request out to all available Staff. a Staff offers to pick up the Shift, then the Manager will be notified to approve or deny. This configuration can be changed by going to Setup > Adi Phone App

Drop Shift Approved

Alternatively, the manager can deny the request.

Deny Drop

Approved Shifts

If enabled in your account, employees can view their approved shifts within the Phone App.

Approved Shift

You can also allow employees to confirm or dispute their time. To learn more, read Attestation.

General Notices