Adding New WFM Employees


It is best practice to pull employees in from NetSuite and as such, the ability to add employees directly to WFM is disabled by default. If you believe you have a need to enter employees directly into Workforce Management, reach out to your Account Manager.

You add a new employee from the employee list page. From the Workforce Management tab, click Setup > Employees > List. Click New.

The first section asks for the personal details of the new employee. This includes the employee's first and last names, their preferred name (if there are more than one employee of the same name or they go by a name different to their legal name), their date of birth, and their gender.

All of the fields with the asterisk next to them must be filled in for this section.

The next section requires basic contact details. Although this section can be skipped, it is highly recommended that all fields are filled in. After the contact details, it is essential that you fill in the country that the new employee lives in.

Now you will need to choose how much access to Workforce Management you wish to give to the new employee by choosing their group. You can choose to let the employee have login details by checking Can login box. If the new employee gave you an email for their contact details, you have the choice to let that be their login details, as well as a password of your choice.

It is essential that if you give an employee access to WFM, that you have to give them a username and a group.

The final section requires you to fill in their employment status. It is important that you correctly state the starting date of when they were employed. After that, you will need to select the primary location of the new employee, and any other secondary locations that they are able to work at.

Click Save to continue.

General Notices