Training #1: Scheduling

Now that you've got your WFM account set up and ready to go, lets do your first schedule.

Watch the video, or follow the steps below:

Scheduling from the daily view -quick start tips

To start adding shifts:

  1. Go to Shifts > Daily to access the scheduling page.

  2. Pick a day first, using the calender picker -let's start on next week's schedule.

  3. Now you're looking at the first day of next week's schedule. First, you'll need to check to ensure your forecast is correct. For more information about forecasting, see Forecasting.

  4. You can take a look at the Sales and Units rows at the bottom of the Daily screen to see if the data is automatically generating.

  5. If you notice the numbers seem off or you have no data, click Create Forecast or Edit Forecast on the menu bar to the far right of the date picker.

  6. From here, you can manually generate your forecast based off of a certain week (and add in a rolling average an index), or you can manually enter in your forecast using entered projections

  7. your forecast looks correct, click Create Schedule at the top to take you back to the Daily view you were on.

  8. Drag a shift out in the grey bar at the button, from the start time to the finish time.

  9. Choose the Job you want to schedule then the Staff Member for the list that pops up on the right. People are sorted by 'suitability'.

FAQs at this stage

  • Why do employees appear in yellow? You haven't set up availability for employees yet. Go to Setup > Employees > List and click Edit / Approve Availability. Start from next week, and click Always available to make someone available 24/7). For more information, see WFM Employee Availability.

  • Why do employees appear in red? They are already scheduled on at that time.

  • Why do employees not have a cost? You haven't set up wages for that employee yet. Go to an employee profile, then click Wages. For more information, see Managing Wages for WFM Employees.

  • Why don't I see a staff member I'm looking for under a certain job? You haven't set up the Jobs section of the employee profile. For more information, see Jobs. To add extra jobs to your account, go to Setup > Jobs.

  • How do I color-code the shifts? Click the Options button at the top then toggle the "Color by" option to color by job or availability.

Last few tips/steps

  • If you're happy with the day's schedule you can copy shifts from a single day forward to future days, or an entire week to a future week. Hover over the Copy button. For more information, see Copy and paste shifts.

  • When you've done the whole week's schedule and are happy with how it looks, go ahead and send it to staff: Actions > Publish Schedules.

  • Try printing out the schedule with the 'Print' button

Thanks for your attention! Keep going, you;ll be using WFM like it's second nature in no time.

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