Getting Started with Workforce Management

The WFM basic set up consists of tasks to create a brand, locations, jobs, employees, and wages. These are all available within the Setup menu under Workforce Management.


Related Help Topic

1. Create a Brand.

Creating a Brand

2. Create a Location

Creating a Location

3. Set Up Jobs.

Setting Up Jobs

4. Set Up Wages.

Setting Up Wages

5. Add Employees.

Adding Employees

After basic set up, WFM is now ready to be used.

If you have a finance or HR tasks, proceed to Finance or HR Manager Onboarding.

If you have a people manager tasks, proceed to People Manager Onboarding.

Creating a Brand

A brand allows you to change settings for multiple Locations in one place.

Any Locations you create will belong to a Brand, and will inherit Brand-level settings. Any Brand settings you change will affect your Locations unless you have over-ridden these options in the Location configuration. Typically, you will only have one Brand.

To create a Brand, go to Setup > Brands then follow the prompts.

For more information about creating a brand, see Creating a New Brand.

To learn more about Brands, see Configuring Brands.

Creating a Location

A Location is a singular schedule location where employees are assigned shifts.

A venue or site where employees are scheduled is typically one location, although there may be cases where multiple locations belong to a venue or site. For example, a store might have multiple departments which might require multiple schedule locations as each department is scheduled separately. Another example is a restaurant that might group employees into two schedules such as front of house and back of house.


Employees can be shared in between locations

To create a Location, go to Setup > Location then follow the prompts.

For more information about creating a location, see Adding a New Location in WFM.

To learn more about Location, see Locations.

Setting Up Jobs

Jobs may be used to define what roles an employee will perform during their shifts. Reports are also available based on different jobs.

When creating a schedule or shift, you are able to allocate a particular job to that shift. Only employees eligible to work that job are selectable for that shift. For example, only management staff will appear if there is a job called Management.

You will assign Jobs to each employee and location created. As jobs are created, make sure they are assigned to the correct locations. This can be done under the Jobs tab in the Location settings or by going to Setup > Jobs and selecting which locations the jobs are available.

Not all locations need to have the same jobs. For example, in the case of a quick service restaurant, you may have two separate locations, one which offers deliveries, and one which does not. Therefore it does not make sense to make the delivery job available at the location which does not deliver.

To learn more about Jobs, see Jobs.

Setting Up Wages

There are three different kinds of wages you can set up in WFM. A combination of all three can be set up, depending on what is best for you. Wage Agreements can be set up right away, however, setting up Hourly & Salary employees and assigning wage agreements can not be set up until employees are added.

  • Hourly -The basic level of wages within WFM. Each employee is set up with their own hourly rate. This hourly calculates for every hour they work.


    The Hourly type does not calculate overtime or penalty rates. You will need to set up Wage Agreements to calculate these.

  • Salary -Employees set up with salary will have their wage evenly distributed based on the hours worked each week. Salaries are always the same each week.

  • Wage Agreements -These are more flexible and offer are several benefits over the standard Hourly type:

    • Bulk update wages when changes occur

    • Set custom overtime & penalty conditions

    • Apply different rates for different jobs worked

    • Calculate hourly or weekly shift allowances

Hourly and Salary employees can have their calculation types managed under their employee profiles. For more information, see Managing Wages for WFM Employees.

Wage Agreements are configured & managed at Setup > Wage > Agreements.

When Wage Agreements are set up, you can then add them to employees in this same area -simply select Classification as the calculation type and then select the classification level the employee is paid.

Adding Employees

You can now add employees and start entering schedules for them.

To add an employee, go to Setup > Employees > List. For more information, see Adding New WFM Employees.

To learn about schedules, see Scheduling in Workforce Management.

Some other things you may like to do to help you schedule include:

For more information, see WFM Employee Availability.

General Notices