Reconciliation Detail Report
The Reconciliation Detail report displays a list of the reconciled (both cleared and uncleared) items for a bank account for the statement period designated by the statement date.
You can customize the report to remove columns that you prefer to not view in printed format. Removing columns is useful if your page orientation preference displays the report in a crowded format.
For the statement period, the report categorizes, then itemizes the transactions, providing the transaction types, dates, associated document numbers, entity names, any memos, and transaction balances. The Reconciliation Detail report categorizes transactions using the following data, which corresponds to field data from the reconciliation page you are using.
Reconciled -lists all the cleared and reconciled transactions, grouped into subcategories (Deposits and Other Credits, Checks and Payments), along with category totals.
No Previous Reconciled Balance -only appears if there is no previous reconciled balance for the selected account and statement date, instead of Last Reconciled Balance, and displays a zero balance total.
Last Reconciled Statement Balance -<date> -the balance of the last reconciled statement for this account. This field is only available if this is not your first reconciled statement.
Current Reconciled Balance-the difference between Last Reconciled Statement Balance and Total -Reconciled.
Reconcile Statement Balance -<date> -the closing balance for the statement.
Difference -the difference between Current Reconciled Balance and Reconcile Statement Balance.
Unreconciled -list of all transactions that are in the system but are not reconciled or reflected in your statement.
You can see this report only after you have reconciled that bank account in NetSuite using either the redesigned or original reconciliation pages. For details on using the redesigned reconciliation pages, see Reconciling Bank and Credit Card Statements. For details on using the original reconciliation pages, see Reconciling Bank Statements and Reconciling Credit Card Statements.
This report is critical for companies who require a paper trail to show that current and historical data is accurate and complete.
For details on reconciling, see Reconciling Bank Statements.
Transactions cleared but not yet reconciled appear on Reconciliation Detail reports under the appropriate heading.
You should print your Reconciliation report before you reconcile another account because you cannot recapture the same information.
To print the report, click the print icon at the bottom of the page. For details on exporting, see Exporting Reports, Searches, and Lists.
To see a Reconciliation Detail report:
Go to Reports > Banking/Budgeting > Reconciliation > Detail.
From the Account dropdown list, select the account for which you want to see a report.
From the Statement Date dropdown list, select the statement date for which you want to see a report.
Click Refresh.
NetSuite loads and displays your report.
This report does not support reporting by period even when the Report by Period preference is set to All Reports. The Report by Period preference can be configured at Home > Set Preferences, the Analytics subtab.