Exporting Reports, Searches, and Lists
You can export reports, searches and lists into various formats. Exporting provides you with additional flexibility in reviewing and analyzing your business's data.
For information about exporting, see the following sections.
Comparing Export Formats
Each export format has its own advantages and limitations as detailed below:
Exporting to Word
Supported Versions – Reports are exported in Word 97 - 2003 format.
Expand/collapse – Settings are maintained. The report will be displayed as it is currently viewed on the screen. If you have collapsed a section of the report (hiding some rows), then those rows will not be available in the word document. You will not be able to expand and view hidden rows.
Company Logo – The logo will display when the report is exported to MS Word, if it has been set as a preference in the Analytics subtab at Home > Set Preferences.
Exporting to PDF
Expand/collapse – Settings are maintained. The report will be displayed as it is currently viewed on the screen. If you have collapsed a section of the report (hiding some rows), then those rows will not be available in the word document. You will not be able to expand and view hidden rows.
Company Logo – The logo will display when the report is exported to MS Word, if it has been set as a preference in the Analytics subtab at Home > Set Preferences. However, the uploaded image is used as is, and is not resized to fit the PDF layout.
Formatting – By default, a PDF of an exported report/search has a font size of 8 and a portrait orientation. You can change these settings by modifying the PDF Page Orientation and PDF Font Size preferences on the Analytics subtab at Home > Set Preferences. See Setting Formats for Reports Exported to PDF.
Size Limitations – Exported PDFs currently have some output limitations. You may encounter issues if your report results include a large number of rows or columns, or extremely long field values. You cannot export reports with more than 30 columns and NetSuite truncates exported records for reports with more than 10 columns. To work around these issues, try adding criteria to reduce the number of rows and columns in results, or try eliminating fields with long values. For details, see Limitations on Exports to PDF.
Exporting to Excel
Supported Versions -Only XLS files are supported. XLSX files are not supported.
Expand/collapse -Settings are not maintained. All rows included in the report are exported. Collapsed (hidden) rows are also exported and will appear in the excel spreadsheet fully expanded (unhidden)
Company Logo -The company logo is not displayed when the report is exported to Excel, even if the Print Company Logo option is enabled on the Analytics tab at Home > Set Preferences.
Unicode -Supported.
Decimal precision -Excel offers high decimal number precision (same precision as displayed in the report/search)
Limitations -For item records that include the Detailed Description field, the length of this field in the search results is limited to 1,300 characters.
Exporting to CSV
Expand/collapse -Settings are not maintained. All rows included in the report will be exported. Collapsed (hidden) rows will also be exported and will appear in the excel spreadsheet fully expanded (unhidden).
Company Logo -The company logo is not exported.
Unicode -Not supported.
Decimal precision -All decimal numbers are truncated at 2 decimal places. If you require a higher level of precision, you should export the report to Excel. After you open the file in Excel, you can save it as a CSV file.
Handling Special Characters -If you use Microsoft Excel to open an exported CSV file that contains data in languages other than English, some special characters may appear corrupted. If you encounter this issue, you should export data to Excel instead of CSV. After you open the file in Excel, you can save it as a CSV file. For more information, see Limitations on CSV Exports of Data with Special Characters.
Exporting to Tableau
Supported Versions -Tableau Desktop 8.3 or later.
Expand/collapse -Settings are not maintained. All rows included in the report or search results will be exported.
Company Logo -The company logo is not displayed when the report or search is exported as a Tableau workbook.
Unicode -Supported.
Decimal precision -Tableau Desktop supports the same level of precision as displayed in each report or search.
Limitations -Sort settings may not be preserved when search or report results are exported as a Tableau workbook.
See the following topics for export limitations:
Related Topics
- NetSuite Basics
- NetSuite Basics Overview
- Getting Help
- Navigating NetSuite
- Logging in to NetSuite
- Logging out of NetSuite
- Setting Personal Preferences
- Using SuiteAnalytics Workbook
- Working with Records, Transactions, and Lists
- Working with Your Calendar and Activities
- Working with Email
- File Cabinet Overview
- Permission to Export Report & Search Results