Transactions Available for Multi-Subsidiary Customers

Refer to the following table to learn how you can use the Multi-Subsidiary Customer feature with core transactions.


What You Can Do

Help Topic Links


Supports Multi-Subsidiary Customer

Expense Amortization

Automated Intercompany Management

Manage intercompany transactions and automatically generate elimination journal entries

Automated Intercompany Management

Cash Refund

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The account is selectable and dependent on the currency

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

If the refund is created from the Cash Sale, the subsidiary selection remains the same through the transaction workflow

Refunding a Cash Sale

Cash Sale

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

Confirm the prompt to change Nexus, if required

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Entering a Cash Sale


Change the subsidiary from the primary subsidiary to a secondary subsidiary

Confirm the prompt to change the bank account, if required

Writing Checks

Commission (Employee)

To associate a sales transaction with a multi-subsidiary customer, create a commission schedule for each subsidiary at Lists > Commissions > Employee Schedules > New

Include the commission schedule in the commission plan assigned to the employee

Creating an Employee Commission Schedule

Creating an Employee Commission Plan

Commission (Partner)

Partner has been configured in NetSuite to receive commission

Commission plan with a commission schedule is assigned to the partner

Sales transactions relevant to the commission plan and commission schedule connect to the partner through the Entity field (header of the sales transaction record)

Creating a Partner Commission Plan

Assigning Partners to a Commission Plan

Partner Commission Schedules

Company Credit Card

Select any subsidiary assigned to the selected entity in the Vendor field

Confirm the prompt to change Nexus, if required

Entering Company Credit Card Charges

Credit Card Refund

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Refunding an Open Balance

Custom Transaction

Custom Transactions is enabled at Setup > Company > Enable Features > SuiteCloud in the SuiteGL section

Custom transactions have been configured at Customization > Lists, Records & Field > Transaction Types > New

Configure transaction type to include subsidiary and entity

On the custom transaction, associate the entity with the selected subsidiary

Custom Transactions

Customer Charge (Statement Charge)

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Statement Charges

Customer Credit Memo

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

Confirm the prompt to change Nexus, if required

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Issuing a Customer Credit Memo

Customer Deposit

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Recording a Customer Deposit

Customer Payment

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Applying a Payment on the Customer Payment Page




Customer Refund

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The account is selectable and dependent on the currency

The A/R account is associated with the selected subsidiary

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Refunding an Open Balance


For Other Deposits, choose from all of the customers assigned to the subsidiary associated with the selected bank account

Making Deposits


Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Preparing an Estimate

Expense Report

At the Expenses line level, select any customer assigned to the subsidiary associated with the selected employee

Enter an Expense Report

Fulfillment Request

The subsidiary is derived from the Sales Order

Creating Fulfillment Requests

Gift Certificate

Click the New Gift Certificates button at Lists > Accounting > Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates


Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

If the Invoice was generated from a Sales Order, the subsidiary cannot be changed

Creating an Invoice

Item Fulfillment

The subsidiary is specified on the Sales Order and cannot be changed

Fulfilling Orders

Journal Entries

Make general, statistical, intercompany, book-specific general, and book-specific intercompany journal entries for any of the customers to which a selected subsidiary is assigned

Making Journal Entries

Making Statistical Journal Entries

Making Intercompany Journal Entries

Making Advanced Intercompany Journal Entries

Journal Entries in Multi-Book Accounting


Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Creating an Opportunity Record

Purchase Orders and Intercompany Purchase Orders

Select any subsidiary assigned to the selected entity in the Vendor field

At the Items line level, select any customer assigned to the subsidiary associated with the selected entity

Entering a Purchase Order


New Charges on bank statements:

  • Selecting a shared customer payee lets you enter line items for the customer’s open transactions and the open transactions belonging to the selected subsidiary

New Deposits on bank statements:

  • Selecting a shared customer payor enables you to enter deposits for the customer and the selected subsidiary

New Charges on credit card statements:

  • Selecting a shared customer payor enables you to enter charges for the customer and the selected subsidiary

New Credits on credit card statements:

  • Selecting a shared customer payee enables you to enter credits for the customer and the selected subsidiary

Reconciling Bank Statements

Reconciling Credit Card Statements


Select the subsidiary associated with the requisition

At the Items line level, select any customer assigned to the selected subsidiary

Entering a Requisition

Return Authorization

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transactions is saved


Return Authorizations can also be created from the Sales Order or Invoice. In these two cases, the subsidiary value is copied from the transaction that created the Return Authorization.

Entering a Standalone Return Authorization

Entering a Linked Return Authorization

Revenue Arrangement

The revenue arrangement is listed on the transaction’s Related Records subtab

Revenue arrangements are created for the following types of transactions after the transaction is approved:

  • Sales Orders

  • Invoices

  • Cash Sales

  • Cash Refunds

  • Return Authorizations

  • Credit Memos

Revenue Arrangement Management

Creating Sales Orders

Creating an Invoice

Entering a Cash Sale

Refunding a Cash Sale

Entering a Standalone Return Authorization

Entering a Linked Return Authorization

Issuing a Customer Credit Memo

Revenue Commitment and Revenue Commitment Reversal

Supports Multi-Subsidiary Customer

Using the Generate Revenue Commitment Page Using the Generate Revenue Commitment Reversals Page

Revenue Recognition

Supports Multi-Subsidiary Customer

Using Revenue Recognition

Sales Order

Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record

Confirm the prompt to change Nexus, if required

The subsidiary cannot be changed after the transaction is saved

Creating Sales Orders

  • Drop Shipment from Sales Order -An approved sales order that contains a drop shipment item automatically generates a purchase order for the item. Vendor ships item to the selected customer. Selling a Drop Ship Item

  • Drop Shipment Intercompany Sales Order -Warehouse subsidiary generates an intercompany sales order at Transactions > Sales > Manage Intercompany Sales Orders (Administrator). Warehouse subsidiary fulfills the order and sends the item to the customer. Intercompany Inventory Drop Ship

  • Intercompany Sales Order (Transactions > Sales > Manage Intercompany Sales Orders) -Create an intercompany purchase order. Select a customer and a currency to display the unlinked intercompany purchase order that can be paired with the sales order for this customer. Select any subsidiary assigned to the customer record. Manage Intercompany Orders

  • Special Order Purchase -An approved sales order that contains a special order item automatically generates a purchase order for the item. The sales order is fulfilled only when the special order item is received by the vendor. The vendor then ships the item to the customer. Drop Shipment and Special Order Purchases

  • Store Pickup – Store Pickup enables you to create Store Pickup Fulfillment transactions from an existing sales order. Store Pickup Fulfillment transactions permit customers to pick up their orders from a retail location later, or on a different date. When Store Pickup Fulfillment transactions exist, the navigation path is Transaction > Sales > Manage Store Pickup. On the Store Pickup Fulfillment transaction, the subsidiary defaults to the subsidiary selected on the sales order.


    The Store Pickup feature requires Advanced Order Management. Store Pickup

Sales Order Revenue Forecasting

Supports Multi-Subsidiary Customer

Using Sales Order Revenue Forecasting

Vendor Bills

Select any subsidiary associated with a Vendor Bill

At the Items line level, select any customer assigned to the selected subsidiary

Vendor Bills

Vendor Credit

Select the vendor who should receive the credit

Change the subsidiary associated with the credit

At the Items line level, select any customer assigned to the selected subsidiary

Entering a Vendor Credit Manually

Vendor Return Authorization

Select the vendor who should receive the return authorization

Change the subsidiary where the vendor return is authorized

At the Items line level, select any customer assigned to the selected subsidiary

Creating a Vendor Return Authorization


Supports Multi-Subsidiary Customer

Using the VSOE Feature

Work Order

Select the customer and any assigned subsidiary associated with the work order

Entering an Individual Work Order

Additional Information

Related Topics

General Notices