Creating an Employee Commission Plan
Commission plans are made up of individual commission schedules. When you assign a commission plan to a sales rep, NetSuite applies all commission schedules to determine the commission earned by the sales rep.
For example, Wolfe Electronics creates a commission plan called Standard Quota Commission that includes the following commission schedules:
a commission schedule based on percentage of quota fulfilled
a commission schedule based on the number of service plans sold during the period
a commission schedule based on the number of sales to new customers
To create a commission plan:
Go to Lists > Commissions > Employee Plans > New (Administrator).
In the Name field, enter a name for this plan.
Enter a description of this plan.
On the Add Schedules to Plan subtab, select a schedule to include in this plan in the Schedule column.
Click Add.
Repeat these steps for each commission schedule you want to include in this plan.
Click the Assign Plan to Sales Rep subtab.
In the Sales Rep column, select the sales reps to assign to this plan.
In the From column, enter or pick the date this plan takes effect.
In the To column, enter or pick the last date you want this plan to generate commission.
Important:Best practice is to set the plan's end date no more than 18 months from its start date.
Click Add.
Repeat these steps for each sales rep you want to assign to this plan.
Important:For optimal performance, you should not exceed 50 employees on an employee commission plan.
Click Save.
You can change the plan and the commission schedules included on the plan at any time. When you make changes to a commission plan, NetSuite recalculates commission based on the updated plan. See Recalculating Commission.
If you pay commissions using SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, you must add a commission earning item to each sales rep's employee record. See Setting Up an Employee for Commission Payments.