Enter an Expense Report
You can enter an expense report to record expenditures and track information about the expense. Expense reports are available only for active employees.
For step-by-step procedures for entering an expense report, see the following:
If you use NetSuite OneWorld and enter intercompany expenses, note the following if you use classes, departments, or locations to classify transactions. You must determine a strategy for using classifications on intercompany expense transactions. Best practice is to omit them. For more information, see Enabling Intercompany Time and Expenses.
Related Topics
- Expense Reports
- Employee Access to Expense Reporting
- Approving an Expense Report
- Editing an Expense Report From the Expense Reports List
- Deleting an Expense Report From the Expense Reports List
- Rejecting an Expense Report From the Expense Reports List
- Corporate Card Expenses
- Reviewing Expense Reports
- Giving Accounting Approval for Expense Reports
- Paying Expenses on Employee Paychecks with Payroll
- Giving an Employee Access to Purchase Requests
- Notifying a Supervisor or Approver About Required Approvals
- Expense Reporting