Shipping Packed Orders

After you pack orders through Ship Central, WMS, or the NetSuite UI, you can process them for shipping. On the app, you cannot combine orders packed through Ship Central with those packed through the other options. Regardless of how orders are packed, verify that they have valid shipping methods. You must select a shipping method associated with an active shipping item that you create for Ship Central. Otherwise, these orders do not appear on the app for shipment processing.

Depending on your carrier, you can include multiple packages in a shipment. Your shipping preferences add capabilities that enable printing of return labels for local shipments, documents for international shipments, and a company logo. Other preferences enable billing to other parties and best shipping rates. Through system rules that you activate, you can apply package codes from carriers, insurance, rerates, and delivery confirmation, among others.

For other shipping options and capabilities, see NetSuite Ship Central or Ship Central Shipping.

The shipping flow may vary if you enable Mobile Printing to print shipping and return labels on the app manually or automatically. Before you can print a shipping label, the address goes through automatic validation. For more information, see Shipping Address Validation.

To ship packed orders:

  1. Access the shipping by doing one of the following:

    • From the Ship Central app, tap the menu icon, and then tap Shipping. Then, on the Select Order page, tap one of the following order types: Sales Order or Transfer Order.

    • If you are continuing from the Packing process, proceed to step 5.

  2. On the Shipments page, you can change the default filter that displays shipments of orders packed through the Packing flow. to process orders packed through the NetSuite UI or WMS, tap the table icon. From the popup window, in the Packed Through field, select WMS & NetSuite UI.

    Using this filter, you can switch between orders packed through the NetSuite UI and WMS or packed through the Ship Central app.

  3. To select an order or shipment, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Shipment field, scan or enter the shipment number, order number, carton, pallet, or UCC. If you enter the data, tap Enter Shipment to proceed.


      Shipment IDs are generated during order packing on the app. If you want to define a custom format for this ID, see Defining Autogenerated ID Formats. For more information, see Packing Items into Cartons.

    • From the list, tap the box next to the order or shipment.

    After you select an order or shipment, the list displays other ones that have the same shipping address and ship method.

  4. If you want to include other orders or shipments in a single shipment, tap their boxes. Then, to submit all your selections, tap Enter Shipment.

  5. On the Ship Packages page, you can review the shipping details, including the estimated shipping cost.

    If the app does not display a cost estimate, check the order transactions for missing or incorrect shipping address details and method. Verify that you can use the shipping method for the shipment and its packages. For information about shipping costs, see Calculated Shipping Costs Within Ship Central.

    Alternatively, if you want to continue processing the shipment at a later time, do one of the following:

    • If you are redirected from the Packing process and want to postpone shipping, you can tap Ship Later.

      The fulfillment record remains in Packed status. When you access the same orders again, you can add more that you want to include in the same shipment. However, if the Ship Status on the Shipments page is Started, you cannot add more shipments.

    • On the Ship Packages page, if you want to temporarily leave the session before you complete your shipment processing, tap Save & Close.

    To access the shipment again by you or another operator, repeat from step 1.

  6. (Optional) To update shipping details, you can tap any of the following options, some of which depend on Ship Central preferences that apply to your location:


    Be sure to edit the shipping address, customs details, or third party billing before you print the shipping label. If you want to void a shipping label to change the shipping details, see step 9 or Voiding Shipping and Return Labels.

    • Edit – Tap this button to change or enter shipping address details and other party billing settings. On the Shipping Details popup window, you can edit the following details:

      • Shipping address phone number or contact person

      • Shipment reference 2 and 3

      • Saturday Delivery setting

      • Billing type and account name for Other Party Billing – If you select the Sender billing type, you disable other party billing for this shipment.

      After you update the details on the Shipping Address popup window, tap Submit.

    • Add Customs Details – For international shipments only, tap this button to include details that appear on labels or documents. You can add the following details: Content, Non-delivery Instructions, Terms of Trade Code, Declaration Statement, and Address of Importer.

    • Size link – In the Packages per Shipment table, you can tap the size for each package to enter or update it. Otherwise, if you want to select a package code, see step 7.

    You cannot change these details after you generate a shipping label. If you rerate or void a shipping label, you can update them before you generate a new label.

  7. Depending on the system rules you use, you can choose or set the following:

    • Shop for Rates – Tap this button to look for rates that may be available from other carriers or for different shipping methods. On the popup window, do the following:

      • To obtain rates from all or certain carriers, you can apply a filter by tapping the table icon. Then, in the Carrier field, select one of these options: All Carriers, Multi-package Carriers, or Current Carrier. To save your filter, tap Done.

      • From the Rates list, you can tap the row that shows the rate you want to select. Then, to confirm the new rate, including any updates to the shipping details, tap Rerate.

      Note that updates to the rate and other shipping details apply to the entire shipment.

      When you rerate a shipment that already has a shipping label, you also void this label. You can proceed to step 7 to generate and print a new label.

    • Get Best Rate – Tap the more icon at the page footer, and then tap Get Best Rate. On the popup window, you can specify the number of days in the Expected Delivery field. In the Carrier field, you can choose one of the following filters for the carriers from which you want to search and apply the best rate: All Carriers, Current Carrier, or Multi-package Carriers. Then, tap Get Best Rate.

      For example, you want to apply the lowest rate from the current carrier for a shipping method that can deliver the package in three days. The app searches from the carrier on the order transaction, unless updated through a rerate.

    • Advanced Options – For multi-package carriers, tap the more icon at the page footer, and then tap Set Advanced Options. For single package carriers, tap the Advanced Options link for the specific row on the Packages table. Then, on the Advanced Options popup window, you can apply any of the following shipping options that may be available from your carrier:

      • For shipments that include dry ice, set the following fields: Includes Dry Ice, Dry Ice Weight, and Dry Ice Weight Unit.

      • For Collect on Delivery payments, set the following fields: Collect on Delivery Payment Type, Amount, and Currency.

      • If you set the Enable USPS Canada Delivered Duty Paid preference, you can choose whether to apply this option to the shipment.

      • For delivery, you can enter details in the following fields: Return Pickup Attempts and SMS or Email Tracking Notification.

      • Other advanced options that you can add include the following: Contains Alcohol, Non-Machinable through FedEx scanning machines, Additional Handling, Shipper Load and Count, Freight Class, Ancillary Service Endorsement, Booking Confirmation Number, and 3 additional Memos.

      On the Ship Packages page, you can view any updates to the estimated shipping rate, carrier, or shipping method. For more information, see Configuring Ship Central Rules.

    • Delivery Confirmation Type – Select one of the following delivery confirmation types for this shipment: None, Delivery, Signature, Adult Signature, Direct Signature, Delivery Mailed, or Verbal Confirmation.

      Note that carriers may not support all of these delivery confirmation types.

    • Change Package Code – For single package shipments and multi-package shipments with one package, you can tap this button to view available package codes from your carrier.

      If you do not choose a package code or choose the default Package option, you can specify the size of the package instead. See step 6.

    • Add Insurance – Tap this button to open the popup window on which you can enter the declared value of a package. Select the package to which you want to apply the insurance, and then tap Add Insurance. Repeat these steps to add insurance to another package.

      If you want to remove insurance, you can tap the same button to display the popup window. Enter 0 for the declared value, select the package, and then tap Remove Insurance. If you want to remove insurance for the entire shipment or order, leave the declared value blank, and then tap Remove Insurance.

    • Print Lists – If you are redirected from the Packing flow and you have not printed packing lists, you can tap this option.

  8. Depending on your Mobile Printing and other settings, do the following:

    1. If you print shipping labels automatically or have previously printed a label, tap Ship to submit the shipment. Otherwise, to manually print a shipping label, tap Print Label or Ship.

    2. Optionally, if you can provide brand names, in the Brand Name field, enter the brand name that you want to appear on the shipping label. Then, tap Confirm & Print.

    3. If you validate addresses fully, you can view the Confirm Shipping Address popup window. From the address list, you can select the one on the order transaction or the matching validated address. Then, tap Print & Ship or Confirm & Print.

    4. On the Print popup window, you can enter your printing preferences.

      For detailed printing instructions, see Label Printing and Reprinting.

    If you tap Ship and complete the shipment processing, you can skip step 9.

  9. After you generate and print the shipping label, you can do the following if you have not submitted the shipment or orders:

    • View the shipping label ID and estimated shipping cost that includes additional adjustments based on shipping details.

    • If you want to void the shipping label, tap Void Label.


      You can also access the Void Label option from the Ship Central menu, which you can open by tapping the menu icon. See Voiding Shipping and Return Labels.

      When you void a label, you disassociate all pack cartons and tracking numbers included in the shipment. It may include items or lines from different orders. The shipping label ID is deleted. The fulfillment record is also updated accordingly.

      After you void a label, repeat from step 7 to generate and print a new one.

    • To submit the shipment, tap Ship.

  10. On the Shipping Summary page, you can view the actual shipping cost, label IDs, and tracking numbers.

    If third-party or recipient billing applies to this shipment, the Actual Shipping Cost field displays a zero value.

  11. Tap the button for the next task you want to perform:


    Before you process another shipment, make sure that you complete the other tasks first. Completed shipments cannot be accessed through the app anymore, except for the printed labels and documents.

    1. To print, do either of the following:

      • For local shipments, to print a return label, tap Print Return.

        After you print the label, the Return Label Id field appears with the ID of the generated return label.

      • For international shipments, to print a Certificate of Origin along with a commercial invoice, tap Print Certificate.

        Note that this option may not apply if your carrier submits these documents electronically during shipping label creation.

    2. To void labels, do one of the following:

      • To void a return label, tap Void Return.

      • To void both a shipping and return label, tap Void Shipment.

        You cannot print a return label without a shipping label.

      For more information about voiding labels, see Voiding Shipping and Return Labels.

    3. To process another shipment, tap Next Shipment.

To view the fulfillment details, both packing and shipping, see Viewing Packing and Shipment Details.

To print shipping manifests, see Generating and Printing Shipping Manifests.

To view the delivery status of each shipped package, see Tracking Delivery of Shipped Packages.

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