Viewing Packing and Shipment Details
After you pack or ship an order through Ship Central, you can review the details on the order transaction and fulfillment record. Ship Central provides the fulfillment details record from which you can view the packing or shipping details. You can view this record after you pack or ship your orders on the app.
Note that large amounts of updates may be processed through a job and not in real time. Wait for the job to complete before you can view updates to fulfillment details and status. You can activate either or both of these rules to specify your transaction limit for real-time updates: Allow real-time packing updates to fulfillments and Allow real-time shipping updates to fulfillments. See Configuring Ship Central Rules.
To view packing and shipment details:
Using the Packing Operator role, go to Packing > Packing > Packing Details.
On the Fulfillment Details page, you can define the following filters:
Location – Select the location associated with the packed orders or shipment.
Fulfillment Status – Select one of the following item fulfillment statuses: Packed or Shipped.
Packed Through – To view and filter shipped orders, select the app or tool used to pack them: Ship Central Only or WMS & NetSuite UI.
Carton #, Pallet #, Shipment #, Master Tracking #, Tracking #, or Transaction # – In any of these fields, you can provide the number. For the transaction, you can enter the sales or transfer order number.
Include Lot/Serial # – Check this box if you want to display the lot or serial number associated with the item. If you check this box, you must enter one of the following: a carton, pallet, or transaction number.
Click Refresh each time you change one or more filters.
On the Ship Details subtab, you can view the list of pack cartons and their corresponding packing and shipping details.
Optionally, to generate and save a soft copy of the results, click Export -CSV.