Generating and Printing Shipping Manifests

After you process shipments or orders through the app, you can generate shipping manifests. On the app, you can send a request to generate shipping manifests from carriers for one or more shipments. In one manifest, you can combine shipments or orders that have the same shipping method, carrier, and date. You can include up to 1200 labels to process at a time.

The app validates the shipping date to make sure that you can generate manifests only for current or future dates. If you use Mobile Printing, you can also print the shipping manifest.

By default, you can print shipping manifests in PDF format. To use the ZPL print template or specify a default printer, you can update the Shipmanifest Report type. For instructions, see Setting Up Printing Settings on Print Reports.

In your file cabinet, you can view generated shipping manifests in the PrintDocuments folder within the Ship Central bundle. You can access this folder through the following path: SuiteBundles > Bundle <Ship Central bundle ID>> com.netsuite.packship > src > shipping > PrintDocuments. The app assigns the following name to shipping manifests in PDF format: ShipManifest <shipping label ID>.

After you generate a manifest, you can no longer void the associated shipping labels.

To generate and print shipping manifests:

  1. On the app, tap the menu icon, and then tap Generate Manifest.

  2. On the Generate Shipping Manifest page, do either of the following:

    • To generate for a single label, in the Scan/Enter Label ID field, scan or enter the label ID, order number, tracking number, or carton. Alternatively, from the Select Label list, you can tap the box next to a label.

    • To generate for multiple labels at the same time, from the Select Label list, tap the box next to the labels you want to select.

  3. Tap Generate Shipping Manifest.

  4. If you use Mobile Printing, on the Print popup window, you can enter your printing preferences, and then tap Print.

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