Ship Central Preferences
On Ship Central Preferences records, you can set up additional capabilities or default settings for the shipping services available from your carriers. These include shipment references, billing other parties, Saturday delivery, shipping item rates, and default package codes.
If you use the Shipping Label Integration feature, you can enable settings to add the following shipping options:
Shipping labels, return labels, international shipping, and hazmat/dangerous goods shipping
Additional preferences for shipping labels include displaying your default logo and multiple shipment references supported by certain carriers
For FedEx, UPS, or USPS, you can choose a shipping mode for direct packing and shipping on item fulfillments.
You can also assign rates to shipping items that you create for these carriers. For more information about shipping items, see Creating Shipping Items for your Shipping Services.
Review the requirements and guidelines before you set preferences for the following shipping capabilities:
International Shipping Setup for Ship Central
You can set up international shipping for the Ship Central app by completing the following procedures:
Enable international shipping in NetSuite – You can skip this step if you already use international shipping in NetSuite.
Enable the required features for International Shipping. See Enabling Features for NetSuite Ship Central.
Enable the International Shipping setting. See Updating Shipping Settings.
Set up international shipping for the Ship Central app.
Set the International Shipping preference and settings for tax IDs, content type, and non-delivery instructions. For international shipments to Canada through USPS, you can also enable delivered duty paid. See Setting Ship Central Preferences.
Sync your carriers to connect services for international shipping. See Managing Your Shipping Integration.
Create shipping items for international shipping services. See Creating Shipping Items for your Shipping Services.
Update the items that you want to ship internationally with the manufacturer details and the description of goods. See Creating Items for Ship Central.
Depending on your Charge Tax To preference in step 2, set up or review your tax registration numbers:
If you charge tax to recipients, verify that you have correct tax registration numbers in customer records. See Entering Financial Information on the Customer Record.
If you charge tax to the shipper, make sure that you have a tax registration number for the country that you want to ship from.
Ship Central obtains the number from the subsidiary when you ship from the subsidiary’s country. To view the subsidiary country and tax registration number, see Creating Subsidiary Records.
If the subsidiary record has no tax registration number or when you ship from a different country, it checks the country on your Company Information record. It obtains the tax registration number from this record, instead, when you ship from company’s country. To view the company’s country and tax registration number, see Enter Basic Company Information.
For some countries, you may have an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and another tax registration number on the subsidiary or Company Information record. If you provide both numbers on a record, Ship Central uses the EIN.
Ship Central also considers any tax details that you add on the Tax Identifiers subtab of your Ship Central Preferences record. It obtains the tax type for the country that matches the one from which you want to ship packages. Then, it determines whether to obtain the corresponding number for the tax type from the subsidiary record or Company Information record.
You can enable or update Mobile Printing to print international shipping labels and documents manually or automatically. For instructions, see Mobile Printing and Weighing Scale Setup.
Note that shipping services from your carrier may send shipping documents electronically, without making them available for printing. For more information, see Printing Labels and Documents for Shipping.
Third-party or Recipient Billing Setup
You can set the preference to bill recipients or third parties through the app and add billing account details per carrier and per customer. Depending on shipping services from your carrier, billing accounts apply to all local and international shipments for their associated customers.
Ship Central provides a separate Enable 3rd Party Billing for FedEx Ground Collect setting for this specific FedEx shipping service. If this service is available to your customers, their billing accounts are used, which they set up directly through FedEx. If you add third party or recipient billing accounts for the same customers on the preference page, Ship Central does not apply them to this shipping service.
Complete the following procedures to enable billing of other parties through the app:
Set the Bill Other Parties preference. See Setting Ship Central Preferences.
After you set the preference, if you have multiple billing accounts to set up, you can add them on the same Ship Central Preferences record. For customers with multiple billing accounts, you can assign a default one for a carrier. Third party or recipient billing accounts apply to all locations unless you specify a location on the preference record. From the billing accounts that you add, you can choose on the app the one you want to use for a specific shipment.
On customer records, make sure that the customer names match the names on the billing accounts that you add to a preference record. If you use the Shipping Label Integration feature, you can set up third party or recipient billing accounts for FedEx or UPS carriers on customer records. Instead of adding billing accounts to a preference record, you can set up one on each customer record. The app automatically uses the billing account for the customer. See Entering Financial Information on the Customer Record.
Sync your carriers to connect services for third-party or recipient billing. See Managing Your Shipping Integration.
HazMat or Dangerous Goods Setup
For USPS local shipping only, you can complete the following procedures to enable shipping of hazardous materials or dangerous goods through the app.
Enable hazmat shipping in NetSuite by doing the following:
Enable the required feature for hazmat shipping. See Enabling Features for NetSuite Ship Central.
Enable the Hazmat/Dangerous Goods Shipping setting. See Updating Shipping Settings.
Enable the Hazmat/Dangerous Goods setting on each inventory or assembly item record for your hazardous materials or dangerous goods. For instructions, see Creating Items for Ship Central.
On the Ship Central Preferences record, provide the name and phone number of the person responsible for the shipment of dangerous goods.
Rate Shopping Setup for the App
You can provide the following options for operators to shop for rates on the app
Rate Shopping – To enable this option, activate the Enable rate shopping rule.
Get Best Rate – To enable this option, activate the Enable rate shopping rule and set the Get Best Shipping Rate preference. On the app, it automatically searches for and applies the lowest shipping rate for your shipment. For more information, see Shipping Packed Orders.
If you enable this option, you can also set the Default Shipping Carriers for Best Rate preference to specify the carriers for your source of best rates.
For more information, see Configuring Ship Central Rules.
These settings and preferences do not apply to the Shop for Rates options available on the NetSuite UI. For more information about these options, see Rerating Orders.