Calculated Shipping Costs Within Ship Central

You can view calculated shipping costs on order transactions, on the app, and on fulfillment records. Shipping cost calculations may depend on the shipping method, address, package dimension, item weight, and other related charges or fees.

Before you print shipping labels, make sure that you provide the correct shipping address on order transactions. Also, verify that the shipping method is associated with an active shipping item that you have created for Ship Central.


After you pack orders, you should not update details on orders and item fulfillments that may affect shipping cost calculations. You may encounter errors if there are discrepancies between these details and those on shipping labels. You can activate and use Shop for Rates to change shipping details through the app. See Configuring Ship Central Rules.

If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, shipping costs on the app, including those listed when you use Shop for Rates, follow your currency settings. On fulfillment records, the currency of the associated subsidiary is applied to the cost. For more information, see Currency on Customer Transactions.

Shipping Cost on Order Transactions

Initially, when you create a sales or transfer order, you can view the estimated shipping cost on the Shipping subtab. After you select a shipping method, you can click the calculate icon beside the Shipping Cost field or the Calculate Shipping button. You can view the estimated cost, which considers the shipping method and address on the order transaction or line. Note that it does not include any Saturday delivery charges from your carrier.

When you choose a residential address on the order, the calculated cost may include any additional charges from your carrier. A message also appears to inform you that charges may apply to home delivery.

Shipping Cost on Item Fulfillments

Fulfillment records display shipping costs before and after you ship orders in the following fields:

  • Shipping Cost – Displays the estimated cost from the order transaction by default

  • Actual Shipping Cost – Displays the cost from the app after you ship an order or the Third-Party Billing text, (Billed to third party)

If you create a cost distribution that applies to the fulfillment’s location, the Actual Shipping Cost field displays the distributed shipping cost. If you choose the Apply to Fulfillment Shipping Cost setting on the distribution, the Shipping Cost field also displays the distributed cost. For more information, see Defining a Shipping Cost Distribution.

Shipping Cost on the App

On the app, you can view the estimated shipping cost, which considers updates to package details and your shipping preferences. If you change the shipping details through the Shop for Rates or Change Package Code options, you can view the updated cost. Additional charges may apply to shipping services that include shipping insurance, home delivery, or Saturday delivery. These updates to the estimated shipping cost do not affect the value displayed on associated orders and fulfillments.


To view estimated shipping costs that include any charges for home delivery, you must enable the Residential Address setting on the customer’s address. Otherwise, you can view the adjusted value only in the actual shipping cost after you complete the shipment processing.

During address validation, you might select an address that shows a Residential Address value of Unknown. Make sure that you choose the appropriate shipping method to obtain an accurate shipping cost.

After you print a shipping label, the value may get updated to include additional charges. If you set the Third-Party Billing preference, including the one for FedEx Ground Collect, the app displays the following text for applicable customers: (Billed to third party).

When you submit the packages for shipping, the Summary page appears with the actual shipping cost. If Third-Party Billing applies to the customer, the actual cost displays a zero value.

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