Rerating Orders

Through the NetSuite UI, you can directly rerate a sales or transfer order, or any of its order lines. Ship Central displays a list of shipping methods and rates available from your carriers. You can choose one that may belong to the same carrier or a different one.

This option does not enable you to rerate orders already associated with item fulfillments. In this case, if you activate the corresponding rule for the app, you can use the app to rerate a shipment that includes the order. For more information, see Shipping Packed Orders.

To rerate orders:

  1. Using the Ship Central Manager role, you can go to Ship Central Outbound > Shipping Details > Shop for Rates.

  2. On the Shop for Rates page, specify the details in the following fields:

    1. Location – Select the location associated with the order.

    2. Transaction Type – Select either Sales Order (default) or Transfer Order.

    3. Order # -Enter the order number.

  3. If the order has the Enable Item Line Shipping box checked, you can rerate an order line, by doing the following:

    1. Check the Item Line Shipping Enabled box.

    2. Optionally, to specify lines that you want to rerate, select values in any of the following fields: Ship To Per Line or Ship Via Per Line.

  4. Click Shop for Rates.

    The Shipping Options list appears with details of the available shipping methods and carriers.

  5. Click Submit.

    You can view the updates on the Shipping subtab of the order transaction.

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