Configuring Ship Central Rules

You can configure system rules to modify the packing or shipping processes and tasks you can perform through the app. You can assign rules to specific locations and custom processes that you configure.

NetSuite applies the system rules activated by default to all locations. If you configure a rule for a specific location, the default system rule settings apply only to the other locations.

System Rules for Ship Central

The following table contains the list of system rules provided by NetSuite Ship Central, including the expected behavior for the active and inactive statuses.

Rule Name

Rule Setting


Add shipping insurance


Displays the Add Insurance button on the app, which enables you to enter the declared value of packages in a shipment. Depending on your carrier and their services, you can add the carrier’s shipping insurance. You can view the adjusted shipping cost on the app in case of extra charges from the carrier.

On the app, you can also select ParcelGuard insurance provided within your NetSuite ShipEngine accounts for connected carriers.

Inactive (default)

Does not enable you to add shipping insurance on the app.

Add shipping option to the packing page


On the Packing Summary mobile page, this rule displays the shipping option that provides direct access to the Shipping process.

Inactive (default)

The default setting that does not display the shipping option on the Packing Summary mobile page.

Allow carton or pallet staging

Optional (default)


If you use the Warehouse Management feature, you can stage packed cartons for locations with bins.

When you also activate the Enable pallet packing rule, you can stage them after carton packing or after pallet packing, depending on your rule setting.


Does not allow staging for carton or pallet packing.

Allow package code updates


Displays the Change Package Code option on the app for single package shipments. This option also appears for multi-package shipments if they contain one package only.

Note that availability of package codes for different package types depend on your carrier. Some codes may not apply to a package based on its contents, weight, and other such factors.

On the app, you can view the adjusted shipping cost depending on the package code you choose.

For more information, see Package Codes and Sizes.

Inactive (default)

Does not provide the Change Package Code option on the app.

Allow packing of partially picked orders

Active (default)

The default setting, which provides the option to include partially picked orders to the list of orders for packing. You can select this option on the kiosk device.


Does not provide the option to include partially picked orders.

Allow real-time packing updates to fulfillments


Lets you set the line item limit for real-time updates to fulfillment records.

You can specify a limit, from 1 to 75 fulfillment lines, to replace the default limit of 25 lines. When you submit orders for packing, real-time updates apply to fulfillments that do not exceed the limit. Ship Central automatically submits a bulk processing job for fulfillments with more than 75 lines.

Updating fulfillment records also updates any custom fields on order transactions.

Inactive (default)

Does not enable you to change the default limit of 25 lines for real-time updates.

Allow real-time shipping updates to fulfillments


Lets you set the line item limit for real-time shipping updates to fulfillment records.

You can specify a limit, from 1 to 75 fulfillment lines, to replace the default limit of 25 lines. When you submit orders for shipping, real-time updates apply to fulfillments that do not exceed the limit. Ship Central automatically submits a bulk processing job for fulfillments with more than 75 lines.

Updating fulfillment records may also update any custom fields on order transactions.

Inactive (default)

Does not enable you to change the default limit of 25 lines for real-time updates.

Autogenerated carton and pallet IDs

Active (default)

Enables autogeneration of carton and pallet IDs or names based on an ID format that you define. This rule does not control the autogeneration of carton names for items that ship as is.

For pallets, make sure that you also activate the Enable pallet packing rule.

After you activate this rule, define the format for your IDs. Otherwise, Ship Central uses the default ID formats. See Defining Autogenerated ID Formats.

If you enable the Mobile Printing capability, you can also print labels or documents with these IDs. See Shipping Labels and Documents for Mobile Printing.


Does not enable the autogeneration of the supported IDs.

Calculate default carton weight


Assigns the default weight of pack cartons based on the total weight of its items. It displays the Tare Weight field for entry and includes it in the total weight calculation. If you use pallets, you can enter a pallet’s tare weight, which also adds to the total package weight. For more information, see Package Weight Entry or Calculation.

After you activate this rule, enter the item weights on your item records. For instructions, see Creating Items for Ship Central.

Inactive (default)

Does not enable weight calculation based on item and tare weight.

Enable pallet packing of packed cartons



Enables you to transfer packed cartons onto pallets.

When you also activate the Allow staging rule, note that you cannot transfer staged cartons onto a pallet.

Inactive (default)

The default setting, which does not enable pallet packing.

Enable rate shopping


On the Ship Packages page, this rule displays the Shop for Rates option on the app for shipments. You can choose a different shipping method, carrier, or rate, and view the adjusted shipping cost. If you activate this rule and set the Get Best Shipping Rate preference, you can automatically apply the best rate to shipments through the app.

This rule does not apply to the Shop for Rates option in the NetSuite UI, which is enabled and provided by Ship Central by default. With this option, you can view and change rates for orders or order lines. For more information, see Rerating Orders.

Inactive (default)

Does not enable rate shopping on the Ship Packages page of the app.

Enable Tally Scan

Active (default)

The default setting that enables Tally Scanning on the mobile app. Tally Scanning automatically increments the packed quantity by 1 after you scan an item. For regular item types, if only one quantity is specified in the order line, you cannot use the Pack button on the app. Instead, in the Scan/Enter Pick Carton or Item field, you can Tally Scan the regular item’s bar code, as well as enter it or the item.

When you activate this rule, you must select the mobile process and set the quantity limit. If you set up GS1 item bar codes for the supported formats, you can also tally scan them. See Bar Code Scanning for Ship Central.


If you use Ship Central with Warehouse Management, you can also enable tally scanning for the supported WMS processes. Make sure you enable the Use Tally Scan box for existing items. WMS automatically checks this box for new items that you create. See Creating Items for Ship Central.


Does not enable Tally Scanning on a kiosk device.

Print brand name


Prints a brand name, which you provide, on shipping labels to replace the sender’s name.

Inactive (default)

Does not display the Brand Name field for entry and printing on shipping labels.

Reopen cartons that ship as is


Enables you to reopen packed cartons for items that ship as is.

Inactive (default)

Does not provide the option to reopen packed cartons for items that ship as is.

Set advanced options from carrier


Provides additional options from carriers for local or international shipping services, which include dry ice weight, additional handling, and memos, among others. You may ask your carrier about extra charges for one or more options. For more information, see Shipping Packed Orders.

For single package carriers, the Advanced Options link appears beside each package to which you can apply it. For multi-package carriers, the Advanced Options button appears at the page footer and applies to the entire shipment.

If you ship to Canada and set the Enable USPS Canada Delivered Duty Paid preference, advanced options allows you to choose whether to apply it per shipment through USPS services.

Inactive (default)

Does not provide advanced options from single or multi-package carriers.

Set Default Dimension Unit

Inch (default)


Enables you to change the default unit for carton or pallet dimensions from inch to another supported unit.

Set Default Weight Unit


KILOGRAM (default)



If you use the Weighing Scale Support capability, this rule enables you to change the default weight unit, kilogram, for packing to any of the supported units.

On a kiosk device, weights that you capture from a weighing scale are automatically converted into the default weight unit. See Weighing Scale Support.

Set delivery confirmation of shipments


Displays the Delivery Confirmation Type field on the app from which you can choose one for your shipment. Options for delivery confirmation include requiring a signature and requesting a confirmation.

On shipping labels, you can view the delivery confirmation or its acronym.

Inactive (default)

Does not let you specify delivery confirmation for shipments.

Show Add Carton popup at start of carton packing


Enables you to automatically display the Add Carton popup window right after you select new orders for packing.

It removes the extra step of tapping the Add Carton button to enter your first pack carton.

Inactive (default)

Does not automatically display the Add Carton popup window.

Show Add Pallet popup at start of pallet packing

Active (default)

The default setting, which automatically displays the Add Pallet popup window at the start of a new pallet packing session.

It removes the extra step of tapping the Add Pallet button to enter your first pallet.


Does not automatically display the Add Pallet popup window.

Show Mark as Shipped option


Provides the Mark as Shipped option on the Summary page after you pack a carton or transfer cartons to pallets. This option automatically changes the Picked status of item fulfillments to Shipped.

Inactive (default)

Does not display the Mark as Shipped option for packing.

Show Packing Instructions


Displays packing instructions that automatically appear on a popup window when you select an item for carton packing. On the Items to Pack table, you can show or hide the Item Description column.

The rule shows the packing instructions from the item record and order line of a transaction. It shows the sales description by default or purchase description as an alternative, which you both enter on item records. After you activate this rule, you can create or update item records with these details. See Creating Items for Ship Central.

Inactive (default)

The default setting, which does not display packing instructions.

Use Cartons from Shipped Fulfillments


Displays the Reuse Cartons option on the app, which lets you pack items into cartons associated with fulfillments already marked as Shipped.

Inactive (default)

The default setting that does not enable pack carton reuse.

Use Pallets from Shipped Fulfillments


Lets you use an existing pallet after it has been used for a shipped fulfillment.

Inactive (default)

The default setting, which does not let you select a pallet previously used for shipping.

To configure Ship Central rules:

  1. Using the Ship Central Manager role, go to Ship Central Setup > System Rule Configuration > Ship Central System Rules.

  2. On the System Rules page, do one of the following:

    • To add a new rule configuration, click New Rule Configuration.

    • To edit an existing rule configuration, from the Rules list, click Edit next to the rule configuration.


      To narrow down the list of rules, you can apply filters for rule name and location.

  3. On the Rule Configuration page, select or enter values in the following fields:

    • In the Rule Name field, select the system rule you want to configure.

    • In the Location field, select one or more locations to which you want to apply the rule.

      If you do not specify a location, you apply the rule for all locations.

    After you save a new rule configuration, you cannot edit the name and location anymore.

  4. In the Rule Setting field, select the status setting you want to apply to the rule.

    The setting options vary across the rules. For example, when you activate the Enable pallet packing of pack cartons rule, you can select the Mandatory, Optional , or Inactive setting. Other rules may have the Active and Inactive setting options only.

  5. For the Print brand name rule, in the Brand Name field, you can enter the default brand name that you want to print on shipping labels.

    When you ship orders on the app, you can provide a different brand name for the specific shipment.

  6. For the Enable Tally Scan rule, set the following fields:

    • In the Process field, select one or more standard or custom mobile processes to which you want to apply the rule.

    • In the Quantity Limit field, enter the maximum picked quantity for an item at which you want to enable tally scan.

      You cannot tally scan an item if its picked quantity exceeds this limit.

  7. For the following rules, in the Rule Limit field, enter a number from 1 to 75 for your fulfillment line limit:

    • Allow real-time packing updates to fulfillments

    • Allow real-time shipping updates to fulfillments

    When you submit orders for packing, Ship Central completes the updates in real time to fulfillments that do not exceed this limit. Otherwise, it initiates a bulk processing job, which completes the updates.

  8. (Optional) For the Enable rate shopping rule, in the Role field, select the roles to which you want to provide rate shopping access.

  9. Click Save.

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