Setup for Payments for Brazil
To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.
Before you start making and receiving payments in NetSuite for Brazil, you must set up terms of payments, bank details, and other required information.
Ensure you have the LATAM File Builder SuiteApp installed.
LATAM File Builder is a prerequisite for installing Brazil Localization. For more information, see Prerequisites for Installing the Brazil Localization SuiteApp.
Set up fine and interest items for Brazil.
Brazil Localization creates four items to account for fine and interest amounts. You need to set up these four items to ensure they work properly in your account. For more information, see Setting Up Fine and Interest Items for Brazil.
Set up the discount item for Brazil.
Brazil Localization creates a discount item to account for discounts on the payment of sales. You need to set up this item to ensure it works properly in your account. For more information, see Setting Up the Discount Item for Brazil.
Create installment terms of payments for Brazil.
Create term of payment records to account for the interest and fine rates that NetSuite should calculate on late payments. For more information, see Creating Terms of Payment for Brazil.
Create or set up existing bank records for Brazil.
Brazil Localization creates a set of predefined bank records on your account. You can create records for banks that are not included, or set up the existing banks to your payment needs. For more information, see Creating Bank Records for Brazil.
Create banking information records.
Create a record to store your company’s bank account in Brazil and preferences to use the Centro Nacional de Automação Bancária (CNAB) system. For more information, see Creating Banking Information Records for Brazil.
Add your vendors' payment preferences.
To make payments to vendors, add their payment preferences to the vendor record. For more information, see Setting Up Vendors for Brazil.
To include custom transactions in your delivery files, enable the transactions to use CNAB features.
For more information, see Enabling Payments for Brazil in Custom Transactions.
To map CNAB 240 return file occurrence codes that are not included in the predefined CNAB return occurrence codes, create your own occurrence code records.
For more information, see Creating CNAB Return Occurrence Codes.
Related Topics
- Payments for Brazil
- Payment Information in Transactions for Brazil
- Applying Fine and Interest Charges on Sales for Brazil
- Applying Fine and Interest Charges on Purchases for Brazil
- Applying Discounts to the Payments of Sales for Brazil
- CNAB Delivery File Generation for Brazil
- Removing Installments from CNAB Delivery Files for Brazil
- Importing CNAB Return Files for Brazil
- Downloading Bank Slips for Brazil
- Troubleshooting CNAB Files Processing