Enabling Payments for Brazil in Custom Transactions
To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.
The Brazil Localization SuiteApp enables you to make and receive electronic bank payments and communicate them through the Centro Nacional de Automação Bancária (CNAB) system.
In transaction records, the SuiteApp adds fields and capabilities that enable you to enter details about your payments, such as the subsidiary's payment information, the type of payment, and others. When a transaction contains electronic bank payment information, you can include it on the delivery files you generate to send to the bank.
By default, the Brazil Localization adds fields and capabilities for CNAB to the following transactions:
Expense report
Vendor bill
Vendor prepayment
You can also enable custom transactions to have the fields and capabilities to make payments and communicate them through the CNAB system.
When you enable a custom transaction for CNAB, it displays the Brazil-specific fields for payment, and transactions of this type become available to be included in delivery files.
To enable payments for Brazil in custom transactions:
Go to Setup > Brazil Localization > Enablement for CNAB > New.
In the Custom Transaction Type field, select the type of custom transaction which you want to enable for electronic bank payments for Brazil.
Click Save.
Related Topics
- Setup for Payments for Brazil
- Setting Up Fine and Interest Items for Brazil
- Setting Up the Discount Item for Brazil
- Creating Terms of Payment for Brazil
- Finding Predefined Bank Slip Templates for Brazil
- Creating Bank Records for Brazil
- Creating Banking Information Records for Brazil
- Creating CNAB Return Occurrence Codes