Creating Bank Records for Brazil
To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.
Bank records contain information about Brazilian banks and settings required for using electronic bank payments with the Centro Nacional de Automação Bancária (CNAB) system.
When you install Brazil Localization, the SuiteApp creates a set of predefined bank records on your account. All the predefined bank records include information such as the bank's code in the national checks clearance system, known as Sistema de Compensação de Cheques e Outros Papéis (COMPE), and its identification code in the Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiro (SPB).
A few predefined bank records include additional information, such as the template and plug-in required to generate bank slips, and the CNAB file layouts required to generate delivery files and process return files.
You can edit the predefined records or create new records for banks that are not included in the predefined set.
To create a bank record for Brazil:
Go to Setup > Brazil Localization > Bank > New.
In the Name field, enter the name of the bank.
In the COMPE Code field, enter the 3-digit code that identifies the bank in the COMPE system.
This code is the most commonly used way to identify a bank in a transaction. The COMPE code is assigned by the Brazil Central Bank.
In the ISPB Code field, enter the 8-digit code that identifies the bank in the SPB system.
The ISPB code is assigned by the Brazil Central Bank.
If you generate delivery files for this bank, in the Delivery Files Folder ID field, enter the internal ID of the File Cabinet folder in which to save the generated delivery files.
To find a File Cabinet folder's internal ID:
Set the Show Internal IDs preference.
For more information, see Setting the Show Internal IDs Preference.
Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.
Find the folder to which you want to save the delivery files.
Verify the folder's internal ID on the Internal ID column.
Take note of the ID to enter it in the Delivery Files Folder ID field.
When you enter an internal ID in this field, the Delivery Files Folder field displays the name of the folder that matches the ID you entered.
If you do not select a folder, NetSuite saves delivery files in the User Documents folder (ID -20).
If you generate and register bank slips with this bank, do the following:
In the Bank Slips Folder ID field, enter the internal ID of the File Cabinet folder in which to save the generated bank slips.
To find a File Cabinet folder's internal ID:
Set the Show Internal IDs preference.
For more information, see Setting the Show Internal IDs Preference.
Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.
Find the folder to which you want to save the bank slips.
Verify the folder's internal ID on the Internal ID column.
Take note of the ID to enter it in the Bank Slips Folder ID field.
When you enter an internal ID in this field, the Bank Slip Folder field displays the name of the folder that matches the ID you entered.
If you do not select a folder, NetSuite saves bank slips in the User Documents folder (ID -20).
In the Bank Slip Plug-In field, select the Bank Slip plug-in implementation you want to use with this bank.
The plug-in implementation contains the methods and parameters required to generate the bank slips for this bank. This field only lists plug-in implementation records with the Bank Slip plug-in type.
In the Bank Slip Template field, select the bank slip template from your account's file cabinet.
NetSuite uses the template to generate bank slips for the bank. The Brazil Localization SuiteApp provides predefined templates for a few banking institutions. For more information, see Finding Predefined Bank Slip Templates for Brazil.
In the Logo field, select or upload the logo image you want to use on all bank slips generated for this bank.
If you have already uploaded the logo your File Cabinet, select it. If you have not, you can upload it directly from the bank record. NetSuite supports common image file formats, such as BMP, GIF, JPG, and PNG.
To upload the logo image:
Hover over the File field.
Click the plus icon
The File window opens.
In the Attach From field, select Computer to attach a file from your local storage, or Web to attach a file by linking it from the internet.
In the File Name field, enter a name for the logo.
In the Folder field, select the File Cabinet folder to which to save the file.
If you are attaching a file from the web, in the URL field, enter the URL to the file.
If you are attaching a file from your computer, in the Select File field, click Browse and find the file you want to upload to NetSuite.
In the Character Encoding field, select the proper character encoding for the file.
Click Save.
Click the CNAB Layouts subtab.
To associate CNAB 400 layouts with the bank, do the following:
In the Delivery File Layout for CNAB 400 field, select the file layout you want to use to generate delivery files for the bank.
In the Return File Layout for CNAB 400 field, select the file layout you want to use to process return files you receive from the bank.
To associate CNAB 240 layouts with the bank, do the following:
In the Delivery File Layout for CNAB 240 field, select the file layout you want to use to generate delivery files for the bank.
In the Return File Layout for CNAB 240 field, select the file layout you want to use to process return files you receive from the bank.
To associate CNAB 750 layouts with the bank, do the following:
In the Delivery File Layout for CNAB 750 field, select the file layout you want to use to generate delivery files for the bank.
In the Return File Layout for CNAB 750 field, select the file layout you want to use to process return files you receive from the bank.
Click Save.
Related Topics
- Setup for Payments for Brazil
- Setting Up Fine and Interest Items for Brazil
- Setting Up the Discount Item for Brazil
- Creating Terms of Payment for Brazil
- Finding Predefined Bank Slip Templates for Brazil
- Creating Banking Information Records for Brazil
- Enabling Payments for Brazil in Custom Transactions
- Creating CNAB Return Occurrence Codes